SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 198


Man, you ought to ban that dude, he's a fucking asshole.

Now he's taking another poll.

Do you think all public forum moderators should be retired?

Yes, I do.

Not just fired, but ...

No, I don't think so.

I don't care.

I'm afraid to respond.

I'm a non-public moderator.


Fucking ban this dude, man.

Banned indefinitely.
Geez, everywhere you go, there's that apophigus apophigus. Fuck him.
Geez, everywhere you go, there's that apophigus apophigus. Ban him.
Deleted the posts, the user has been warned.

I'm fed up with your grey posts, you've been crap all over the forum this morning... :-(((

h ttps://

Speculator and looks like bergkamp.

He might be rubbing it in with himself... :-)))


Speculator and it looks like he's also bergkamp.

He's rubbing it in with himself... :-)))

Different IPs, I think. Figuring it out.

Already been banned once for not understanding. Might actually have to do it again.

No, the topicstarter is doing it.
bought it, didn't regret it, trades at a profit, kindly recommends it to others ))

Sergssss has already created 3 threads to promote a third party resource.


Man, you ought to ban that dude, he's a fucking asshole.

Now he's taking another poll.

Do you think all public forum moderators should be retired?

Yes, I do.

Not just fired, but ...

No, I don't think so.

I don't care.

I'm afraid to respond.

I'm a non-public moderator.

I'm looking at you from the outside, Mishek, you're exactly what you say you are - a shabby animal.