SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 203

It's not agitation. It's slop. Although... it's interesting to read out of boredom. Psychologically, it's unique :)

About the slop question debatable. Mishek is no angel, for what he is in the bath, but read opponents (I mean the most zealous). They all have the same slop, but they do not even have a lot of thoughts, just insults. By the way, Andrew is also a master of personality.
I believe that a person cannot be banned for outrageous thoughts, as long as he states them in a reasoned and correct manner, without resorting to personalities.
The rest can be harshly banned, no matter whose side they are on. Unfortunately, such order can only be maintained by being constantly on the branch and stubbornly repelling the attacks of dissenters, which none of the moderators can afford.
The question about the slop is debatable. Mishek is no angel, which is why he is in the tank, but read opponents (I mean the most ardent). They all have the same slop, but they do not even have a lot of thoughts, just insults. By the way, Andrew is also a master of personality.
I believe that a person cannot be banned for outrageous thoughts, as long as he states them in a reasoned and correct manner, without resorting to personalities.
The rest can be harshly banned, no matter whose side they are on. Unfortunately, such order can only be maintained by being constantly on the branch and stubbornly repelling the attacks of dissenters, which none of the moderators can afford.

Vitya, I was talking about the garbage, referring to a video of a bunch of rabid morons shouting foul language about Putin. That's just a bunch of thugs in there. Those are insults. By the way, no one was banned for that. Medved got a ban from Vitya (Vinin) for rudeness.

I believe that such videos can be viewed once and you can be horrified by the culture (if it exists at all) that someone elevates to ideals, chuckle and forget about it. All the more so because it is not a personal opinion, but a display of one's pride in the unsurpassed stupidity of one's peers. If he gathers people, makes a video and displays it, it is worthy of attention, but a joyful repost seems cowardly to me.

IMHO all of course.

By the way, Andrei is also a master at getting personal.
Yeah. Well, except for the occasional sassy...

Vitya, I was talking about the garbage, referring to a video of a bunch of rabid morons shouting foul language about Putin. That's just a bunch of thugs in there. Those are insults. By the way, no one was banned for that. Medved got a ban from Vitya (Vinin) for rudeness.

I believe that such videos can be viewed once and you can be horrified by the culture (if it exists at all) that someone elevates to ideals, chuckle and forget about it. All the more so because it is not a personal opinion, but a display of one's pride in the unsurpassed stupidity of one's peers. If he gathers people, record on video and post it - it is worthy of attention, but the joyful repost - cowardly it seems to me.

IMHO all of course.

By the way, Mishek got his last ban precisely for mate about Putin. And the happiest reposter is the zfs, look at the thread now, scratching for pages. Should he be banned for that?
Yeah, right. Well, except for the occasional sassy...

Your modesty is a joy and a hope.
By the way, Mishek got his last ban precisely for mate about Putin. And the happiest reposter is the zfs, look at the thread now, scratching for pages. Should he be banned for that?
If it's all within the bounds of decency, no, probably not.
If it's all within the bounds of propriety, no, probably not.
Within the bounds of decency? Fucking hypocrites. Smokehouse, though, it's been useful -- the shit's come out.
Within the bounds of decency? You fucking hypocrites. The smoking room has proved useful, though - the shit has come out.

I say we ban it.
Within the bounds of decency? You fucking hypocrites. The smoking room has been useful, though - the shit has come out.

Is he posting an obscene video? He may not look, but he's harmless. He looks, he forgets... So you don't have to jump right in with your shit.
By the way, Mishek got his last ban precisely for mate about Putin. And the happiest reposter is the zfs, look at the thread now, scratching for pages. Should he be banned for that?

Oh, yes! Mishek spews black rubbish for pages and no reaction, while Zfs posted three clips in a row, all of them normal, simple clips... ...and the question immediately arises...