SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 204


Oh, yes! Mishek goes on for pages and no reaction, but the ZFS has posted three clips in a row, and they're simple normal clips... and it immediately raised the question...

The question is not a ban. zfs not banned for a long time, although in my opinion it goes too far with the illustrations, as well as bears, but it can survive.
Gentlemen of the moderators, maybe such characters with agitations should be... to a special allowance?

I think that's about it:

I think the mate has the wrong address
The man must be having a nervous breakdown...
Deleted and buried.

Even on your birthday at a combat post :)

Congratulations Victor, long life, success, happiness and health to you.


Even on your birthday at a combat post :)

Congratulations Victor, long life, success, happiness and health to you.

Thank you. Off duty, at work, I rarely get a chance to stop by.

Victor, you can rest while I'm on duty.

May8 and 9 are days off in a branch.

Socialising with loved ones and grandparents at home.

I can extend their holidays individually for a week, according to the wishes of holidaymakers.

No, have you seen how sly he is? :D

Keep a barn door lock not need much strength and mind - on weekdays would be on duty when there is something to watch.