SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 164


Would it be possible to add a forum ignore?

So that you don't waste time systematically cleaning up your personal files?

That would be handy. The fifth forum has it, though it's just unnecessary there.

Why don't you go for a fiver, eh? And all your problems would be solved in a jiffy.
Yeah, that's an option, too.
Why don't we close the subject?
It's a shame to put your personal details in the public domain... and it's not good to run and complain to a moderator... Yeah, well... Normally, snitches like that get beaten up in polite society... and kicked 28 times in a row :-)
It's a shame to put your personal details in the public domain... and it's not good to run and complain to a moderator... Yeah, well... Normally, snitches like that get beaten up in polite society... and kicked 28 times in a row :-)

Usually liars, braggarts and flunkies get their kicks, but the internet unfortunately allows them to lie, brag and flounder with impunity.

mate, quote in the seventh post


They asked me to pass it on:

Who do you represent?

What's the reason I got banned. third day in a row I got banned .... Today after I was banned I managed to write only one post, and unlike the others around me, I wrote a TEXT... they're banning me for themed posts now?

this is the post at the bottom of the page, the only one I wrote and got banned again????? I understand that there is no point in asking here, but I will still leave this purely formal post..... wrote to the administration.....


What's the reason I got banned. third day in a row I got banned .... Today after I was banned I managed to write only one post, and unlike the others around me, I wrote a TEXT... they're banning themed posts now, aren't they?

this is the post at the bottom of the page, the only one I wrote and got banned again????? I understand that there is no point in asking here, but I will still leave this purely formal post..... wrote to the administration.....

When are you gonna stop cursing? There's enough foul language for months.