SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 17

Mathemat писал(а) >>


Are you feeling better now?

Do you think this "I" is getting better? I don't think so, I suppose he'll end up puffing up and bursting, staining the walls of a respectable institution. And the orderlies will have to scrub the floor and walls and remove the foul smell afterwards.

The pictures show grown-ups and they are doing such nonsense, maybe youth really does fade with time, but stupidity does not.
GREENGAS писал(а) >>
>>The photos seem to be of grown-ups and they do such nonsense, maybe it is true that youth fades with time, but silliness does not.

Doesn't it bother you that you are the only smart one here? It would at least make me uneasy, (on the subject of "adulthood").

Look, we're not having this conversation. The man hit me in the wrong way, and did the wrong thing. I don't tell anyone what to do or how to do it, just that other 'smart' people do it, let them do it to others if they have nothing better to do, but not to me. People like that can't get respect, especially when they don't respect themselves.
The conversation is closed.
GREENGAS писал(а) >>
Look, we're not having this conversation. The man has hurt me inappropriately, and done me wrong. I don't tell anyone what to do or how to do it, just that other "smart" people do it, let them do it to others if they have nothing better to do, but not to me. Such people cannot get respect, especially when they do not respect themselves.

How lovely! You are asking to be listened to, but excuse me, do you listen to others? Do you know how to hear and at least try to understand others? And you haven't managed to offend anyone, for example:

Another clown.


The conversation is closed.

You certainly don't know where you're going - it's not you who decides, you can still be discussed for a long time, though ... I don't think so, I don't think anyone would be interested.

GREENGAS писал(а) >> The man hit me in the wrong way, and did me wrong.

If you're an adult, you should understand that it's ridiculous to be "bullied" on the internet by some rules. Do you live on the internet? Is it that serious and important to you...))))


spamming the thread... pun intended... but...

DDFedor >> :

spamming the thread... pun intended... but...


there's nothing to discuss here... here is eshaft...
DDFedor >> :
there's nothing to discuss here... here is eshaft...

As you can see, you can also go to ESCAPHOT laughing.