Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 13

a never-fading twig :-o)
budimir >> :
fading twig :-o)

are you talking about the saber?

keekkenen >> :

>> are you talking about the sabre?

No, I mean V-S-E-X!

khorosh >>:
В какую ветку ни зайдёшь приходится оплачивать трафик за картинки sabluk.

I'm all for pictures that are meaningful but not vulgar! Everyone expresses their thoughts as best they can!


my thoughts:



Maybe it would make sense to have a flood section, ... but in the threads people will be able to express themselves in substance?

Valio >> :

Maybe it would make sense to have a flood section ... but in the topics people will be able to express themselves on the merits?

Renat писал(а) >>
He was banned back yesterday and will be banning any copies of him.

Why do the moderators allow the forum to turn into a clusterfuck!!!!

'EURUSD in a couple of weeks from 1.4 to 1.5'.

KimIV писал(а) >>

As far as voting goes, I'm against foul language. I don't utter them in life and I don't like reading them on a forum.

Yes, I agree, it's not very pleasant to read swear words on forums, although I'll admit that sometimes I can't contain my emotions and

and I have to respond to them.

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Yes, I agree, it's not very nice to read swearing on forums, although I admit that sometimes I can't contain my emotions and

I have to respond to attacks.

There are more powerful arguments to foul language.