Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 17

alexx_v писал(а) >>
Don't piss people off, you know that.

What do you mean by the phrase "don't piss off the people",

please explain.

Just don't pretend to be a hoser...
oil писал(а) >>

I would really blow your head off if a thread with evidence of your fraudulent nature was deleted

Sabluk, you're so brave because you're sitting far away, I'd love to meet you. :

With VERY great pleasure, I'd teach you some manners. I see that you are only in words and

and from a great distance.

But since you piss all the time, this time I don't rule out that you're abkeking again, though, as always :))))))))))))


Sabluk, you're so brave because you're sitting far away, I'd love to meet you. :

With VERY great pleasure, I would teach you good manners. I see that you're only in words and

and from a great distance.

But since you piss all the time, this time I don't rule out that you abkek again, though, as always :))))))))))))

Hey, hey! Quit flapping around in here! This is a thread about spammers, not flooders.

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Dear Moderators!

I ask YOU to delete this thread, it repeatedly violates the RULES OF THE FORUM.

Thank you in advance.


Alex Niroba.

This thread debunks the crook Niroba. It provides and will be provided in the near future irrefutable evidence

- of repeated frauds: falsification of screenshots, issuing a privileged demo account for a real one ...

- not just erroneous predictions, but predictions that defy common sense, logic and economics,

- the author's complete lack of system,

- his inconsistency: real trades contradict forecasts and signals.


The branch is necessary and will help many potential clients of Niroba not to make mistakes.

The branch will serve as a good lesson for Niroba's followers: this forum is not a place for propaganda suckers. It won't be a bad thing for others.

goldtrader писал(а) >>

The thread debunks the crook Niroba. It provides and will soon provide irrefutable evidence

- of repeated deceptions: falsification of screenshots, passing off a privileged demo account as a real account ...

- not just erroneous predictions, but predictions that defy common sense, logic and economics,

- the author's complete lack of system,

- his inconsistency: real trades contradict forecasts and signals.


The branch is necessary and will help many potential clients of Niroba not to make mistakes.

The branch will serve as a good lesson for Niroba's followers: this forum is not a place for propaganda suckers. Others will not be condemned.

Be sure to save all my predictions to make sure the financial markets obey the laws, and

that the direction of trends can be predicted.

Read, better books, at least a little knowledge of the markets, maybe you will learn not to buy the Euro in the midst of collapses.

Good luck and have a lot of LUCKY trends! ;-)

goldtrader >> :

The thread debunks the crook Niroba. It provides and will soon provide irrefutable evidence

- of repeated deceptions: falsification of screenshots, passing off a privileged demo account as a real account ...

- not just erroneous predictions, but predictions that defy common sense, logic and economics,

- the author's complete lack of system,

- The author's inconsistency: real trades contradict forecasts and signals.

He also has an investment fund and has never brought in investors... brainwashing

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Be sure to save all my predictions to make sure the financial markets obey the laws, and

that the direction of trends can be predicted.

Read, better books, at least you will understand the markets a little bit, maybe you will learn not to buy Euros on the haves before the collapses.

Good luck and have a lot of LUCKY trends! ;-)

what do you say we see 1.55 in a month?

oil писал(а) >>


Do you have one? :)

Quant писал(а) >>

and what would you say if we see 1.55 in a month?

what else can i say, since you believe in your predictions, take and buy at current levels with a take profit of 1.55.