Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 12

Vinin писал(а) >>

If good in the morning, bad the day before.

If the day before is good, then the morning is bad.

If you consider all the combinations, it should still be:

- good, good.

- bad, bad.

KimIV >> :

If you consider all the combinations, there should still be:

- good, good.

- bad, bad.

There is such a batch! It's been good for three days already, and it's going to get even better from here! Experience rules.

Not even petty jealousies against caravaners spoil the mood. The forms of envy are quite varied and implicitly include recognition.


A song about a mongoose

- ♪ Snakes and snakes and snakes and snakes and snakes ♪ -
The man cried out in a frenzy.
He called the mongoose for help,
So that the mongoose could help.

And the mongoose went to work,
"and they did not spare themselves or their loved ones.
They went out hunting
with no time off, no days off.

And in the deserts, the prairies and the pampas
The men gave orders to their patrols
To ignore safe snakes
And reduce the venomous to nil.

Brace yourselves, it's about to get sad...
A man has appeared on the sly
And set snares for the mongoose
Declaring him a noxious beast.

He came the next morning, and the dog with him,
and he put the mongoose in a sack.
And the mongoose fought back and cried,
And he cried: - "I am a useful animal!

But the animals, broken and wounded.
And everyone threw them into the sack like mushrooms,
"They're in pain in their traps.
And the twists and turns of fate.

And they wondered, "What's the matter?
"Why are they taking us to the slaughter?"
And the aged mongoose told them
With a broken front leg:

- "The goats in Belgium have eaten the cabbage,
The sparrows ate the rice from the fields in China,
And in Australia, evil mongooses
wiped out the most useful snakes.

This is no wondrous marvel:
They used to be useful, and suddenly
"They used to be useful, and suddenly...
The mongooses were too eager to slay the vipers.

And for that they were rewarded
From our calculating people.
Apparently, humans can't do without poison,
Well, that means they can't do without snakes...

Oh, how many wondrous discoveries
The spirit of enlightenment
And experience, the son of misfortune,
And genius, the friend of paradoxes...
there's no poison in the mongoose's teeth
but what happens when they grow poison?
with their reaction... with poison in their teeth... .....
we can't have that inferno, they say.
Good and evil. The eternal war,
One is stronger than the other
Victory, no doubt, is precious,
But what counts as an acceptable price?

They say the good without fists,
The good that can't defend itself
Isn't even worth a kind word or two,
Not even a line on an author's page.

Goodness is invincible in all ages,
"We've been taught that since childhood, but alas.
God works in mysterious ways
And not always, as it seems, right....

Where is evil and where is good in this world,
We know, regardless of faith,
What this knowledge is really worth,
This simple example will show you:

Once upon a time there was a do-gooder - no fists, no strength,
And there was a villain, drugged up like a yeti.
He killed the good man in a debate,
And he caused the good guy to burst into flames all over the planet.

The other do-gooder, as strong as a chiropractor.
Defended himself and killed the villain.
No, I'm not arguing that he's right, of course,
But... the world is not a kinder place.

Moral: Sometimes for good and for evil -
Victory is the sister of defeat.
Maximus... And you, Brutus...?
The mongoose resemble felines in appearance. They are small carnivores, varying in length from 23 to 75 cm and in weight from 1 to 5-6 kg. Colours are mostly brown or grey, a few species have stripes or annular tail patterns, but in general the colouration is monochromatic. Mongooses have small heads with pointed snouts; ears are small and, unlike wyverns, rounded. Body elongated, on short limbs; claws unextended. The scent glands are anal, not perianal as in wyverns.

Eh, haven't looked in for a while )) What's with the saber? don't talk business here, you just talk about life... childishly...)

Good memory to you... Sabluk)))

I understand it's seasonal aggravation on both sides of the barricades, started on the users, of course.)


The meerkat, or meerkat or thin-tailed myrkat (lat. Suricata suricatta) is a mammal of the mongoose family, mainly found in the Kalahari Desert region of southwest Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.

The meerkat is highly tame. It is very sensitive to cold. In South Africa, meerkats are kept at home to catch rodents and snakes.