Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 8


Look: why don't we rename this thread, for example, the "rowdy section" in memory of the departed Sabluka.

Go in, have a problem..... if you're feeling down, come out the door like nothing happened, and then with the words "So where were we?" go to his branch "clean", so there will be less filth on the forum.

bidrio >> :

Listen: Why not change the name of this thread to, for example, "The Riot Ward" in memory of the departed Sabluka.

You go in, take a dump....., come out the door like nothing happened and then go back to your forum saying "Well, where were we?" So there will be less filth on the forum.

blend >> :

distant descendant from the future, in your distant and intelligent future do different characters stand for the same concept? and in our language the compiler gives an error

That's just the way it is .

To put it mildly, but to put it crudely - I'm not that distant, and certainly not a descendant at least as far as you are concerned. But let me give you a piece of good advice - throw away your compiler on x% and buy a new, good one, use it at your health.

And so as not to commit errors of compilation, update your operating system, and simply buy yourself a new "brain" - this will allow you, dear friend, not to commit errors in the future, especially during compilation.

PS: Are you so sure it's like this and not like that?

bidrio писал(а) >>

Listen: Why not change the name of this thread to, for example, "The Riot Ward" in memory of the departed Sabluka.

Came in, took a dump..... came out as if nothing had happened, and then with the words "so where were we?" went to his branch "clean", so there would be less filth on the forum.

That's what I'm talking about.

The structure of the forum could be, for example, as follows:

Section 1
- theme 1
- topic 2
- topic 3

Chapter 2
- theme 1
- topic 2
- topic 3

- Publicity
- Miscellaneous
- Trashcan

"Sections" should be cleaned mercilessly. And themes like this - in rubbish; who wants - let them rummage.


What do you say, gentlemen admins and Maders?


to SK

Вот, я приблизительно об этом и говорю...

No, no,

the right to vote has always been one of the most valuable privileges

. Ask the blend, it seems to date back to the Jurassic period, since I am a descendant of it. There was a lot of bloodshed for this right, no kidding. And here's a heel...

So - this right must be earned, and therefore no one should be allowed to create any threads on their own. If there is something to say or ask sensible - a letter to the admins that there is a topic, here is the text of the post. They look at it, if it's ok - "uproot" and go ahead, communicate with you in good health or not. So it would be right!!!

But the subtlety is that MQ significantly saves on helpdesk (and, this is real money, and I think so, and most likely I am not mistaken), because, in this broth, there is always someone there and someone will prompt. But there is the flip side .....

SK. >> :

That's roughly what I'm talking about.

The structure of the forum could be, for example, like this:

Section 1.
- theme 1
- theme 2
- theme 3

Topic 2
- theme 1
- topic 2
- topic 3

- Publicity
- Miscellaneous
- >> Trashcan.

"Sections" should be cleaned mercilessly. And topics like this - in the trash; who wants to - let them poke around.

Well, it does not work that way.

Many threads with promising names quickly become trashed and turn into floods.

Initially not interesting or flooded become interesting sometimes simply because someone casually expressed an interesting idea, and the topikstarter long gone and the topic is fundamentally different and branch lives

In the "Sections" to clean up mercilessly.

And who will clean up? Based on what? Who will draw the line - this is on and this is off topic

The staff moderators, as sports judges by default, can not be criticized.

And community members will be whipped by the disgruntled, banned and aligned for no reason at all.

And how disputes between employees and civil servants will be resolved, and they will be

I'd rather have an MK dictatorship than an SK democracy, with all due respect


Who will clean it up? Whoever started the thread will clean it up. Based on their understanding of fairness.

Topic threads will stop turning into flood threads because they will be cleaned up.

Initially, flood threads will not develop. because they will initially be moved to the Trash, and there are few people who will express useful thoughts.

I am not against the dictatorship of MQ. But by the fact of events there is no such dictatorship, and a semblance of democracy is interpreted as permissiveness. Some users even howl that they aren't allowed to play with pictures and foul language.


Actually, I shouldn't have jumped in with my suggestion. It's not gonna happen, all right?

All I can say is that if I were to moderate a forum, there'd be only business in the territory entrusted to me. If you don't like it, if you want to dabble, go to the trash. You can walk on your head there.

SK. >> :

Who will clean it up? Whoever started the thread will clean it up. Based on their understanding of fairness.

Topic threads will stop turning into flood threads because they will be cleaned up.

Initially, flood threads will not develop. because they will initially be moved to the Trash, and there are few people who will express useful thoughts.

I am not against the dictatorship of MQ. But the fact of the matter is that there is no such dictatorship, and a semblance of democracy is interpreted as permissiveness. Some users even howl that they aren't allowed to play with pictures and foul language.


Actually, I shouldn't have jumped in with my suggestion. It's not gonna happen, all right?

All I can say is that if I were to moderate a forum, there'd be only business in the territory entrusted to me. If you don't like it, if you want to dabble, go to the trash. You can walk on your head there too.


Some forums give moderator rights to their own threads.

grasn >> :

To put it mildly, but to put it crudely - I'm not that distant, and certainly not a descendant at least as far as you are concerned. But let me give you a piece of good advice - throw your compiler away.

I didn't mean anything offensive by "distant descendant") it was a reference to your avatar character Professor Farnsworth

Actually, dick is also a link, unlike the direct spelling.

if the heel were to link to pictures...