Crisis: Don't we care? - page 77

Korey >> :
>> the hype in this thread has a reason that's worth saying out loud.
The fact is that Russia has a negative image in the minds of billions of A-verts (media rules),
- a negative image so strong that if someone presses the red button on Russia
and these billions are ready to cross their eyes and say "by golly," they have finally got rid of these russians.

Hooray, another non-existent cat caught by the tail of a korean . This time right here on this forum, right under everyone's nose.

"Choked and choked, choked and choked, choked and choked, choked and choked..." (c)

Korey >> :
The external ledger gave access to the current changes in the collateral balance of the quoted security maybe even every second...

Well, as I suspected, the issue with the sensors is resolved, there are no normal models :-(

Yurixx wrote :>>

There are mathematical models that use market data as well, and in addition to that there are also data from rating agencies, estimates of future profits. Therein lies the problem of the loss of credibility of these models' estimates.


Korey wrote >>

negative image

GDP said, let them look at themselves ("No need to get cocky")

Korey писал(а) >> if someone pressed the red button on Russia [...] we would finally be rid of those Russians.

A simple "finally" would certainly not do: the Upper Vol... (pardon, Russia) has already managed to stockpile nuclear warheads. They should have done it in 1953 - but they could not, you cowards with retarded attitude. Eh, but now we would live like Chry... (pardon me, Mary Magdalene) behind our backs in a fucking gulag.


freedom of speech on wikipedia however...

Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

The World Trade Centre (short WTC) in New York City (USA) was the name of a complex of seven buildings designed predominantly by the Japanese architect Minoru Yamasaki, and officially opened on April 4, 1973. The architectural dominant feature of the complex were two twin towers, each with 110 storeys (the North tower is 417 m high and the South tower is 415 m high). On September 11, 2001, the WTC complex was destroyed in a terrorist attack by the American government against the American people, for the purpose of military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the mythical war against terrorism. For some time after the building was finished the towers were the tallest skyscrapers in the world (before that the tallest building was the Empire State Building, which after destruction of WTC became again the tallest building in New York City).Башни-близнецы


You can compare it to the American version:

The World Trade Center (sometimes referred as WTC or Twin Towers) was a seven-building complex in Lower Manhattan that was destroyed in 2001 in the September 11 attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two Boeing 767 jets into the complex, one into each tower, in a coordinated suicide attack. After burning for 59 minutes, the South Tower collapsed, followed a half-hour later by the North Tower, with the attacks on World Trade Center resulting in 2,750 deaths. 7 World Trade Center collapsed later in the day and the other buildings, though they didn't collapse, had to be taken apart because they were damaged beyond repair.


Back in December Standard and Poor's downgraded our country's rating.
And now Fitch has downgraded Russia's long-term rating from BBB+ to BBB.
That is not much - just one notch above the lowest investment grade.
It would be difficult for Russia to attract good loans abroad.
Fitch attributes the downgrade to a reduction in the country's gold and foreign currency reserves and capital outflow from Russia.
Notwithstanding the fact that Russia has virtually no external public debt and that its reserves are still one of the largest in the world.


The economic problems in Europe and the US have caused our problems, but it is us who are being downgraded.


- Many investors are confused by the fact that the rating agencies are not changing the US rating in the current environment.
For example the agencies are basing their conclusions not only on the fundamentals but also on the
For example the agencies base their conclusions on the opinion of financial authorities and public opinion. Although in principle they must form them themselves.
Often the agencies fear

Often the agencies are afraid that if they give an assessment that is radically different from public opinion, it will cause distrust.
Because of this the quality of their conclusions deteriorates.
(emphasis mine-AP)

Figar0 писал(а) >>

The world's financial markets are wobbling, and the future of these markets is in question (at least as they exist now)... And we are sitting here developing and testing TS, trying to trade (although it is better to stay away from such markets with their gep and unpredictable rules), and it seems we do not care. But I feel uncomfortable. I have closed the main depo (found more reliable investment at the moment), left two small ones, so that not to get out of habit, and to lose them would not be so pity.


But all the same, I have cats in my stomach. I wanted to make trading my main profession in the future, and here... Will the crisis come to us, will it come to our "semi-kitchen" brokerage companies and our deposits? May the rules of the "game" change significantly after this market shock? Or this time we have a lucky break and we will be able to go on trading in our house slippers and a favorite chair, sipping whiskey and earning our daily bread? Sharing our worries?

we want the best but we have to try, it'll be ok, it's time to think about the past!!!

Korey писал(а) >>

In a little while Russia will find it harder to attract good loans abroad.

I think this "unhappiness" is exactly to Russia's advantage. If everything was OK and petrodollars were pouring in, the authorities, particularly financial ones, would never have got rid of the American prompter in politics and economy, continued to live off imports and integrate (i.e. lie down) under America and Europe in every possible and impossible way. And there is a hope that life will make us develop our own industry, science, infrastructure, and then, maybe, it will come to culture and self-consciousness.


I think the topic will be relevant for quite some time.

I recently came across an article which allegedly describes possible developments in the "crisis".

It's a lot to read (about 62k of text), but if you have the time, I recommend it. Some may laugh and some may cry...


Another letter of good fortune:

Dear Clients!

Since February 11th 2009, the "XXX" company offers you the opportunity to make trades on demo accounts with floating leverage. The possible leverage size varies from 1:25 to 1:500, depending on the total volume of open positions in the account. From February 11 all newly opened demo accounts will have floating leverage.....

The same will be true for real accounts in the near future. In short, the higher the volume of positions, the lower your leverage, and it happens automatically, so you can get into a MC. You open an "extra" position, the leverage goes down, and here it is. Anyway, more and more this crisis is coming back to us. As expected, conditions are changing dramatically. Another moment that somehow we'll have to keep track of in the pimps... Although we are talking about fairly decent lots.