Crisis: Don't we care? - page 65

timbo писал(а) >>

This is megalomania. Russia is a tiny fraction of the world economy. The US, Europe and Asia collapsed their own economies and went into multi-billion dollar debt just to "knock Russia out of the saddle"? Nonsense. Russia is the elusive Joe of the world economy.

Apart from economics there is also geopolitics. Russia is probably the most powerful country among the non-dancing ones to the overseas tune. Of course there is no one conspiracy against Russia, there are problems that all national economies have to address equally. And to a large extent they will have to work together. I think it is clear to everyone where these problems come from and why. But that does not make it any easier, "lynching" or branding someone as the cause of the crisis will not fix the situation. And what is really frightening is a historically traceable trend: the USA got used to live and solve its problems at someone else's expense, without reckoning with anybody, and nothing, and here Russia is all like that, "having drunk a lot of oil for courage", and if it cannot prevent it, it will at least try and certainly will not keep silent (also a recent trend). It may be a disaster...

The U.S. is not fighting the crisis so much as it is fighting for preservation of the existing world order and its "right" to rule the world economy. And when they realize that nothing is working, that's when it will begin....

Prival >>:
... В банке (не ДЦ) я свои средства приблизительно разделил на 3 части, 25% дол, 25% евро и 50% рубли.

Prival >>:
...My forecast is 41-42 roubles per dollar by March
Does it make sense?
according to my prognosis, we need 0% roubles. But I live in Russia and I need roubles to live. I would like to have a better scheme, but alas I do not know how it will be. A forecast is always a forecast. And you always want to eat.

George Friedman (Stratfor)has a lot to say about Russia as well. I wanted to put a quote here, but for some reason it didn't work.

So I wouldn't go so far as to say that Russia is geopolitically insignificant. Apparently, the United States does have very good reasons to prevent Russia from becoming stronger - and it is one of their most serious geopolitical priorities.


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Prival >> :

What do you hold your money in. proportions. or is there none (proportions) ? belief in the dollar is limitless ?

I don't have any money, so it's not an issue for me. Only debts and shares. When free money appears, it goes to pay off debts and to buy new shares in equal proportions.

If I had money, I would, of course, convert most of it into dollars and euros in equal proportions. It's not a matter of believing in dollars, it's a matter of trusting governments in one country or another. It's a very simple test. If you believe that Obama is going to handle the situation better than Putin, then you should invest in dollars. If you're waiting for the evil empire to fall, then you need to stock up on patriotic rubles.

Korey, he says, has so much faith in Putin's government and hates the US that all his savings should be in rubles. If in reality his hands are touched by the despicable dollar, then he is being hypocritical in his love/hate.

timbo писал(а) >>

Korey, he says, believes so much in Putin's government and hates the US that all his savings must be in rubles. If in reality his hands are touched by the despicable dollar, then he is being hypocritical in his love/hate.

I am not a patriot but just evil and I have a good memory,
>> by comparison.
Well what Russian idiot would think of calling a Russian missile "Patriot",
That name for a Russian missile in a Russian-speaking mind would mean..,
that that missile is a dead meathead.
That's why timbo said in previous posts that russian missiles are "crooked".
Because timbo got it, it was a clear signal to withdraw capital from Russia to where the missiles are called Patriot.
and it was a clear signal that was given in a package with a series of other signals in 2008 to bring down Russia as a partner,
as an international actor, as a country of residence.
Since the quiet americans, paid for and instructed by the state department, really screwed up about 20 years of my life,
And since the quiet americans have really screwed up about 20 years of my life on behalf of the state department, I personally am not jumping up and down like a timbo.

the signals for capital withdrawal from russia are not just clear, the signals are brazenly suggestive,
That is why it is important not to take into account the state of the real economy, but the reaction of the crowd in the crisis analysis
and judging by the spread of exchanging operations with the rouble the panic is the same as always, i.e. it is based on the attitude of a slave inside the russian citizen.
...Chekhov used to squeeze the slave out of himself one drop at a time.
Korey >> :

For comparison.

So much blah, blah, blah instead of a simple and short answer on who you really bet on. Not words, but money. On the dollar or the ruble, on America or Russia? Europe is following in the footsteps of the US, so betting on the euro equates to betting on the dollar.