Crisis: Don't we care? - page 57

Prival >> :

We'll take Alaska for our debts.)

What about California?!

We should take that, too! It's Russian territory! We don't need anyone else's!


A sore subject...:-))

Prival >> :

We'll take Alaska for our debts)

and give Siberia to the Chinese ....

Poles have a toast - let's drink to the Polish-Chinese border

sorry if i offended anyone, i just couldn't take it :)

Zet1972 >> :

and give Siberia to the Chinese ....

Poles have a toast - Let's drink to the Polish-Chinese border

Sorry if I offended anyone, I couldn't take it :)

We'll give it to the Chinese ))

They're funny guys, good-natured, I talked to them once.

Here, they study at the university... they come here for a year or two and then study Russian


It's much simpler than that! Here's an example, straight from life. Anyone can check it out.

Here's an observation! In DTs, whose ads are annoyingly climbing on top of the page spreads of the eurofrank and the eurofound is now equal to Five (five). This is in the Russian server.

And on the English server - now - on the same instruments, the spread is three !

It seems that we are treated as a boor here in the Russian-speaking region!

Really, why do we need Siberia like this... - Let the chinese take it.

Prival >> :

Read about the mentality here

Just so you know, America is a country of immigrants. America is a country of immigrants, those who were dissatisfied with something and ran away from problems, not solved them, but ran away from them. They solved problems with a Colt .45. And they conquered America, came and killed the entire population and started to live there. And they have recently solved their differences with the help of guns (look at the cowboy movies - who is the hero there, and the most important quality of this hero = he can shoot).

And these immigrants brought up their children in the same way. By historical standards, 300 years is nothing, just like were savages and still are.

FYI: immigrants are the most active population, entrepreneurs, individualists, often adventurers and adventurers, they are people who are not afraid to take responsibility for their own destiny, people of action. American history is a grandiose genetic experiment, the most active people were gathered in one place, and there were more of them there than on average in normal countries. As a result, for insignificant, by historical standards, 300 years, they created the most powerful state in the world from scratch. Over time, the numbers active declined, approaching the average, but the groundwork was great.

"God made men, General Colt made them equal." Americans are very polite, perhaps the Colt .45 played a part here. If you know someone you meet might have a Colt in their pocket, the level of bullying in your blood drops drastically.

History has known only one experiment of such scale - millions of active people were annihilated on the territory of Russia/USSR, and the result is evident.

Prival wrote >>.

As for the habit of invading - for America it is not even a habit, but a norm of behaviour. It is their phrase "our zone of interest", and under any pretext to introduce troops. Last example, they say they have (are) developing nuclear weapons, go there and hit everyone in the face. The Balkans (the world's nickel reserves) go there too.

The only bummer with Russia is that it can hit you in the face. Napoleon got in trouble, Hitler got in trouble, but now anyone will get in trouble, so the Americans are furious.

You're thinking in terms of last century. Why take over by force when you can buy it? It's easier and cheaper in the long run. The Americans don't give a shit about Russia, why should they be mad about a third world country? They have a crisis, they have serious adult problems. Russia has no impact on the global economy at all, its GDP is equal to that of Australia with its measly 20 million people.

Prival wrote :>>

You are right about brainwashing.

This is what brainwashing is all about, he didn't know and doesn't want to know. And he only believes what he is told on the news. (There are bears in valenki walking around Red Square drinking vodka).

We just did an experiment and found out that the knowledge of Russians with higher education about other countries is not very different from that of Americans. Do you want to do it again? What do you know about Nigeria? From memory without Google. We even talked about Nigeria on this forum, it will be easy for you.

Prival wrote :>>

Look, Russia is the most reading country in the world and most of its people have higher education and are very literate - it's a fact. Unlike where people pride themselves on the fact that they haven't read a single book. Where about Shakespeare they answer the question Who is it ? - The answer. A comic book hero. (saw it live once).

Who told you that? And reading what? The quality of higher education in Russia does not stand up to criticism. There are a few decent universities, you can count them on the fingers. None of them are on the world rankings. It is the mass nature of higher education that has devalued it. Today in Russia almost 100% have a higher education. A normal country doesn't need so many people with higher education. We need fewer but better. Only then these smaller ones will be able to acquire higher quality knowledge.


About enemies and enemy plans.

Anatoly Wasserman. Destroy Yourself

And here is a transcript

...у многих возникло твердое убеждение, что все наши нынешние беды – это действительно порождение гнусного западного плана. Но на мой вкус и взгляд – все гораздо хуже...


to timbo
you are certainly a reader, maybe even a quick reader, gliding over the surface, enjoying the information,
sincerely reflecting,

people like you make good writers, try writing a novel, you'll do fine (seriously),
and maybe you'll even understand something yourself when you explain it to others.

timbo писал(а) >>

The British Guardian is a newspaper on the level of Speed-Info or MK, a tabloid tabloid. And Leontiev... I don't even know those words.

If you're interested in the crisis, let's go with Bloomberg.

If it happens, it will be a statement of collapse, with defalcated banknotes and U.S. presidents flying around on Wall Street. Even the Guardian is more credible in this context.... Yes in fact there are quite obvious things and personas in there.

timbo wrote >>

About enemies and enemy plans.

Anatoly Wasserman. Destroy Yourself

Wasserman is certainly not a stupid man, but he is a physicist, not a political scientist or a historian... And what does the "Dulles plan" have to do with the financial crisis that America suffers from, along with everyone else? I do not see any conspiracy in the crisis, but whose "handiwork" I see clearly.


A centrist position, without extremes and not at the edge

sums up the content of the thread


P.S. why "sums up" is spelled with a "Y" - the verification word is "abstraction".