Crisis: Don't we care? - page 42

Gorbachev mentions some kind of referendum on the preservation of the union state and he has the same under 100 figures.
I'm too lazy to look for the link, I think there was something)))
Prival >> :

In the referendum, 90.32 percent of the population voted in favour of Ukraine's independence act

I will not talk about global losses for russia, such as the Crimea, but there is a village of Aibga near sochi, on the border with Abkhazia. Half of the village is on one side of the river and half is on the other side, before soviet times the border was on a mountain range and the village was entirely on the russian side. during Soviet times the border was straightened and set along the river, at that time it was not important and it seemed that there was one russian village council, but after the collapse a part of the village got stuck in an undefined status on the undefined territory. I think there are many such small historical dramas like marriages between different nationalities of soviet peoples.

Feel better now, I'm sorry))
However, on the topic of the thread: the main instrument of divorce, before and after divorce, was money.
blend писал(а) >>

I thought it was a battle of good and evil, at the last line, Eurasianism and messianism, the third Rome, but it is about gas, they put rockets around and say

-Give us gas at half the price!

-and we won't give you gas for cheap!!!

go on, read the saber-rattling scenario in two moves)) it's not serious, if the generals were in charge of politics, it would be all right, all right...

here is another scenario i see, after only 5 years of stability caused by high oil and gas prices the russian people are seriously thinking about the rouble as a reserve currency, forgetting about 17% inflation and numerous monetary reforms X bars ago, also the russian president is talking about a new financial world order and teaching the developed countries economics

the Anglo-Saxons and Francomassons are already getting in line for the ruble, how about you?

5 years, that's the timeframe in which developing countries operate, what story can there be?

There is another story. When the USSR collapsed it was decided by a majority vote to divide the border into republics, so it was either good or bad, but it prevented a Yugoslavian scenario, namely republics, not autonomous territories and regions... that was a Russian-style divorce, virtually bloodless in the context of the old entity

Gas is a commodity, profitable for both sides, or rather buyers, it is unlikely that russia sells its resources profitably, in a small timeframe it is profitable, strategically the answer will be known in 100-200 years, but alas, neither you nor I will have to live in this beautiful time, it is a pity that our taxes will now go towards debt obligations of gas and oil companies ...((

The gas phrase is an obvious joke! And you have reacted for some reason.

:-) my excursion to the past was about another topic, but you failed to notice the key phrase.

The Russian divorce is smarter than the Yugoslav divorce.

it is strange that you cannot decide whether it is good or bad - we are alive, aren't we? - Many people in Yugoslavia don't even exist anymore.


about the beautiful time, it's not certain that it will be so beautiful.

Maybe the next generation - the one left behind - will envy us...

sitting deep underground before they die,

and above, the radiation from missiles shot down by missile defense


I pay for gas in rubles anyway, I do not have to get up for the ruble, I do not earn my salary in dollars.

But if other people need gas... if they buy rubles, they will pay in rubles

do you have gas or an electric cooker at home? do you heat your house with coal or gas?

gas is cheaper than the other fuels all the same, which means that you have to get the rubles, if not wait in line?

... That's right ... on the free market

blend писал(а) >>

I will not talk about global losses for russia, such as the Crimea, but there is a village called Aibga near sochi, on the border with abkhazia; half of the village is on one side of the river and half on the other, before soviet times the border was on a mountain range and the village was entirely on the russian side. during Soviet times the border was straightened and set along the river, at that time it was not important and it seemed that there was one russian village council, but after the collapse a part of the village got stuck in an undefined status on the undefined territory. I think there are many such small historical dramas, just like marriages between different nationalities of soviet peoples.


Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich

that's who decided ! where there will be and who will be and what are the borders ...

what population ... Who asked him! What referendums ... what are you talking about?

It was then that they started shaking up the fence... and who has a hut without straw ...


In Soviet times, it was not a word what they did - Crimea was added to Ukraine, Obkhazia and Ossetia to Georgia.

Whoever's in power went to Georgia...

Georgia did not pay taxes right after the war... Ukraine was wrecked and burned!

but it paid taxes like everyone else

And then tell me that nationality does not play a role.


again, back in our lifetime the u.s.a. had benches for whites and blacks... they've had this issue very recently.


How horribly embittered our former "brothers" turn out to be. Unfortunately, most of them are also illiterate in such matters as history and politics.

Never mind, we (Russia) should finally live up to our interests and let things take their course.

P.S. I am very disappointed.

Lord_Shadows >> :

How horribly embittered our former "brothers" turn out to be. Unfortunately, most of them are also illiterate in such matters as history and politics.

That's all right, we (Russia) must finally live up to our interests and let things take their course.

P.S. Very disappointed.

this is the fact ----- our interests and do not lag behind on more.....

we are always trying to rule the world..... why?

"a dog's heart" - light in the head, clear in the entranceway.........

Prival писал(а) >>

In the referendum, 90.32 per cent of the population voted in favour of the act of declaring Ukraine's independence

And do you believe in the reliability of these figures?

In the last election, the "elected" president of the Russian Federation was also almost unanimously voted for.

YuraZ >> :

and for some reason you reacted.

Let me summarize what I wanted to say so that I wouldn't have to react to something I didn't even want to talk about).

1. Every self-respecting football fan knows better than the coach of his favourite team who should play in the starting lineup, who should be substituted and what tactics should be used in the game, he usually knows this after the fact...

every trader will explain with 100% certainty how you should have traded... on the example of course history

Each person in any country knows better than politicians what should have been done in this or that political situation, and usually very emotionally and based on one long-lasting episode

Discussions about the history of our and not our homeland are of course interesting from the viewpoint of analysis, but it is impossible to hammer at spears over decisions that were made, we cannot even put ourselves in the shoes of political characters for lack of context, and to put an estimate you have to be at least a professional historian.

2. Trading is very similar to politics, imho, because of the number of risks, politics~economics, power~money, so you can easily draw parallels between politicians and traders, and on this forum it's a godsend

3. russia is behaving like a trader who has sunk two deposits, one in 900 years, the second in 70, on the third deposit he borrowed, put two buys on oil and gas and hit a tailwind, handed out the debts and went to the dog-eat-dog traders to teach them the fundamental analysis, while he walked, the market declined by 70%, the trader had to add the deposit every week, hoping that the market had reached the bottom, but this situation does not stop the trader to offer his services to the savings professionals, but only spurs

what would do to such a trader and his statements on this forum? or maybe someone has another analogy?


I'll stop here but I would like to finish my participation in this topic already.


"A cook can run a state precisely because she knows her interests well" W.I.L. (C)
Comment - in Switzerland, a political dispute has broken out among Russian social democracy about the capacity of the classes of society,
In this theoretical olemics, the aim was to decide on the personnel prospects for governing Russia in the Future,
I believe Plekhanov himself made the thesis: "A cook cannot rule the state".
(Meaning that a cook is a collective image of those who do not have enough education to be a manager,
and has a personal history of low starts and big complaints about society.)
The winner is V.I.L.

P.S. .... in recent history, cooks who know their interests well... )))