Initial deposit size - what is it? - page 7

Dear moderators,

Could you please use this rule in this thread:
3. Anything that might offend or insult other visitors is forbidden. These posts will be deleted.

It offends me when people are belittled on the basis of sexuality (post 65). Here, on top of that, it's boorish.

That's a fact. Like a hep in the market.

Things are not going well at all. Nothing's testing. There's an error like this all the time:

23:15:03 TestGenerator: no history data 'EURUSD1'
23:15:03 There were 0 passes done during optimization
23:26:13 TestMTS: loaded successfully
23:26:25 TestGenerator: no history data 'GBPUSD1'
23:26:25 There were 0 passes done during optimization

This is after I updated (and repeatedly after that) history of quotes. I've cleaned files with quotes in History folder, after loading they appear there again, the size is ok, but here's the trouble...

Also: I've lost the transaction history somewhere...

P.S. (added later): I don't know how, but it seems to work!!! :




Quite the contrary, it is easier to win, the main thing is not to rush things, play on spikes for example, it is very easy and profitable, then you will not lose.

Degu писал (а) >>


It's quite the opposite, it's easier to win, if you don't hurry, play on spikes, it's easy and profitable.

How do you do it?

Degu писал (а) >>


On the contrary, it's easier to win. The main thing is not to rush things, to play in spades, for example, it's very easy and profitable, then you won't lose.

I'm not a drain. Psychologically it's easy to win with 1000% p.a..

September 2008... And that says it all. Do you want to give any advice to fund managers who are in deficit now or to trustees who are in deficit after 5 years?


I'm completely hopeless, aren't I?

//|                                                      Swetten.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
Print("Hello, world!"); // Не работает
Comment("\nHello, world!");   //Это на экрн ничего не выводит

It doesn't work. :(

P.S. Bad enough. It's working! :)


Я совсем безнадёжная, да?..

It's just the way we want it to be. :)
Anyway, I found out that forex is a scam LOL

No, it's just that it's best for funds to focus on a 2-3x recovery factor in a year (profit more than a 2-3x drawdown). And it's a hassle for the private sector. Either settle for

30% per year. A private person, again, wants more for lack of money. Well, the interests of the majority will not pursue any market, competition, or gep. That is how it is, real life.

And that something worthwhile to create and test again needs years. That is why it is difficult.