Initial deposit size - what is it? - page 3


I mean to say that the profit should be correlated to the depo, otherwise this person, maybe having good trading skills and earning $5 per day from $1000, will try to jump over himself and try to earn $50 per hour from the same depo and break elementary MM and as the result will fail and of course there will be no satisfaction either from trading or from life :) But if he is earning $50 per hour, he will have no problem opening an account for a couple hundred thousand dollars and the trading profit will correlate to his understanding of pleasure, the rules will be followed, he will not jump over his head and in the long run everything will be fine.

The problem is that newbies often try to earn a million dollars from three rubles, and not even in a year or two, but... in a couple of months or even less, they don't reflect reality at all, and they lose... they lose... :) You have to correlate one with the other.

timbo писал (а) >>
The deposit should be such, that its possible loss is painful, but not fatal.
The size of lots and, consequently, of profits should justify the time spent on "trading". To "last" a year of active trading with even super stable earnings of 5 bucks a day is very cool in terms of mathematics, but in terms of psychology it is rare masochism. You need to get satisfaction from what you do, and if it is evaluated so low, if the result is paltry, there will be no satisfaction.

Psychologically speaking, the one who can survive a year with such self-restraint is a trader. The rest are cheats.

He can then confidently trade 10,000 and .... and make it his favorite job, and if he is not able to do it - it means that he is a random person - the meat for DT meat grinder.

This is the basic mistake of getting satisfaction when studying. Satisfaction will come later at the end of the Way of the Samurai ... and the orgasm will be complete

45- писал (а) >>

Psychologically speaking, someone who can last a year with this kind of self-restraint is a trader. The rest of us are the cheats.

He can then confidently trade 10,000 and .... If he can't do it, it means that he is a random person - the meat for the meat grinder of DC.

Rosh made a good analogy in the next thread - a plank put 30 cm above the ground and the same plank put between the roofs of two skyscrapers. Even if you walk on the first board 15 times a day for two years (read - to trade on the demo/micro-mini), it will not help to pass on the board between the skyscrapers.

This is the basic mistake of getting satisfaction while studying. Satisfaction will come later at the end of the Samurai Way... and the orgasm will be complete

Well that's not even worth commenting on. I only wish that the end of your journey comes before the end of your life. A luxurious funeral as compensation for a life without pleasure and satisfaction in life.

timbo писал (а) >>

I only wish that the end of your journey comes before the end of your life. A luxurious funeral as compensation for a life without pleasure and satisfaction in life.

What a great idea!


timbo писал (а) >>

A good analogy was given by Roche in the next thread - a board placed 30 cm above the ground and the same board thrown between the roofs of two skyscrapers. Even if you walk on the first board 15 times a day for two years (read - to trade on the demo/micro-mini), it will not help to pass on the board between the skyscrapers.

Well that's not even worth commenting on. I only wish that the end of your journey comes before the end of your life. A luxurious funeral as compensation for a life without pleasure and satisfaction in life.

The analogy doesn't hold - you were talking about fun - I was talking about discipline and gaining skills, and I was talking about a real account.

It is more appropriate to compare walking on this board an amateur with broad steps and small steps.

With broad steps a luxurious funeral is guaranteed.

A man, who walks the way of knowledge, cannot reach the end of the road.

Do you consider pleasure to be the loss of a deposit? - That's a real perversion.

I'm more attracted to put $3 a day on a 20% deposit and get a million by the time I'm 60.

And a kopeck to a kopeck grows millions.

And no amount of propaganda from a non-believer is going to take the Samurai off the Path ....

And you are a representative of brokerage companies with the leverage of 1:500?

Swetten писал (а) >>

I'm not a very experienced trader. I've been messing around with MTS, playing for funnies - it seems to be working.

How big is the initial real deposit? 25,000, 50,000, 250,000 rubles?

What is your opinion?

In my experience I will tell you in your personal message.

45- писал (а) >>

The analogy does not hold - you were talking about pleasure - I was talking about discipline and skill acquisition, and I was talking about the real account.

It is more appropriate to compare the amateur walking this board with broad steps and small steps.

With wide steps a luxurious funeral is guaranteed.

A man, who walks the way of knowledge, cannot reach the end of the road.

Do you consider pleasure to be the loss of a deposit? - That's a real perversion.

I'm more tempted to put $3 a day on a 20% deposit and get a lemon by the time I'm 60.

And a kopeck to a kopeck grows millions.

And no agitation of non-believers will not divert the Samurai from the Path ....

And you must be a representative of DC with 1:500 leverage?

Very interesting point about consistency and discipline

and the samurai approach.


but personally, I'm flush with $3 a day.

that rather scares me... my internet bill is more than $3 a day

I have to make $3 more a day according to this method.


the second thing I'm worried about is a million by the time I'm 60.

If I die at 59-61, it'll be a real shame.


>> for some reason, I'd like to live to 60 without too much denial.


но лично меня смыщает 3$ в день

I find it rather frightening... my internet bill is more than $3 a day

i have to make $3 more per day according to this method

Well, it depends on how much you invest :) you can't go by absolute values, much less by the cost of something that has little to do with TC in principle...

the second thing that confuses me is a million by the age of 60.

if i die at 59-61, it will be a shame

Well, again - all relative :) the period of accumulation of a million directly depends on the amount invested and the average annual yield ...

why do you want to live steadily without much self-denial until the age of 60?

a good desire, and even correct, but not understanding the above can only lead to the fact that on his deathbed, at 59-61 years of life, will be doubly offensive, ie absolutely awfully offended that at the time had not been understood simple truths

45- писал (а) >>

And no agitation by non-believers will lead the Samurai astray from the Way ....

What agitation...

The only goal of a true samurai is to die for his emperor. A samurai dreaming of a million is nonsense.

Just dreaming of a million by the age of 60 is nonsense. 20% per annum, 3 bucks a day is 26 years. After 26 years, a million bucks won't be enough for anything at all. A million even today is not enough to live on.

alexx_v писал (а) >>

You have taken me literally for nothing :-)

I'm sometimes quite abstract in my reasoning.


even though the person is POSSIBLY talking literally about 3$

because if you read about SAMURAI'S WAY - it is quite possible that he is talking about 3$


only he can dispel our doubts - and explain about $3 and a million by 60 years old ---


although timbo is correct ---

a million in 26 years might just be the equivalent of $10,000 today ---


There's a joke I can't remember the gist of, but it goes something like this

A man says if I had 5,000,000 rubles, I'd buy a car! (1985)

The other one (from 1994) says I'd better add 1,000 and buy a mug of beer.

1994-98, 5000-00 was enough to buy a mug of beer.