Transition from Virtual to Real. 1000 USD (daily) - page 4

sayfuji писал (а) >>

Eurofoto, dear man, it's a shame there just weren't any space demo accounts left, that would have been fun. I'm sure everyone has a bunch of them.

Not everyone. For example, I haven't) But the real micro account has been alive for a year now.

sayfuji писал (а) >>

Time has cured my marasmus.

:)))) Well, God willing, mine will be cured, too..... if he ever does...

But I know for sure that all foundations, which are sung by powerful traders, must always be questioned, otherwise there will be no progress. You have to look for other ways of doing things, of earning money, look for other ways of approaching things and maybe also try to revise the axioms.

History shows us that after the invention of any solution, approach, variant, production etc., there is a path of simplification and improvement.

I will try it.

If the administrator will allow, of course,we can still discuss this topic, but I want to note that my first post started with a question. And if anyone has anything else to add to this topic, I'll be glad to see it on my screen.

P.S. By the way, this post is very interesting to young, beginning traders (do not include myself to them on principle, may not offend me omnipotent traders). So, I am waiting for comments. I hope next week, myself will write back on my question about the transition from virtual to real.


Oh... I'm just about to get invited, I'll follow my theory...


Personally, I had pitfalls like this. On the demo, everything was working out fine. The mood was super. Feeling big and cool. When I switched on, I would look at the chart from time to time, and it was a nice, thoughtful state.

When I started trading on a real account the following things started to happen. Firstly, I started to stick to the monitor and could not tear myself away from it. Instead of having a good and thoughtful state I began to feel clamped, dull and heavy. I tried to relax artificially. It turned out that the compression was so strong that I needed a lot of time to relax, but some part of subconsciousness was always thinking about trading and did not allow me to relax properly. When you become a "stone visitor" like this, you start making mistakes and have a very delusional perception of the market picture. The scale starts to change. The perception becomes somewhat narrowed and a small correction is perceived as a trend. And it is very dangerous to go against the trend. I always ended up the same way, I went against the trend, moved my stops hoping it would finish soon and as a rule as soon as I ran out of money I reversed the trend, but I had nothing left to trade with. This is not a mysticism. During the real trading there is a synchronization with huge mass of people who trade. And all this field starts to roll over your head and turns you into a state of "log", which is where the vast majority is. That is, the main catch is energy and hidden field factors. Very few people manage to outplay not just the market, but precisely this hidden trap.

Eurofoto писал (а) >>

P.S. By the way, this post is very interesting to young, novice traders (I don't include myself to them out of principle, may the all-powerful speculators take no offence to me). So, I am waiting for the comments. I hope I will answer my own question about conversion from Virtual to Real next week.

As you guessed (I consider myself a beginner out of principle, because I still don't have a million). Beginner traders are really, really waiting for the invest password to the real account. Once it arrives, I'm sure the branch will be wildly popular!

Fduch писал (а) >>

As you may have guessed (I consider myself a beginner on principle, because I still don't have a million). Beginner traders are really, really looking forward to the investment password to the real account. Once it appears, I'm sure the branch will enjoy tremendous popularity!

Like a child, honestly... Just for the fun of it... You'd better write something useful.

Eurofoto писал (а) >>

Like a child, honestly... Just to sneer... You'd better write something sensible...

Yes, yes, yes! I can afford it after a hard day. But in this case, you're wrong. Or no, you're wrong. I'm really looking forward to the investiture of the password. And the popularity of the branch will really increase when the investment password is published here. No "sneering", just the bare facts. Just so you know, YOU ARE WRONG.

And as for "something sensible": everything has been said before me and more than once. And not only in your thread. And not only in this forum. And not only in runet. The brokerage companies do not steal profit if it's not pips and not a small lot like 0.2. The market is losing 90% not because of greedy guys who are honestly taking their spreads but because of the instability of TS. Try to trade half a year more on demo every day, even if it is 1 deal per day, and you will understand. The topic is over?


Eurofoto, your question has long been answered, in case you haven't noticed.

Fduch, a micro account is micro for micro reasons.) It seems to me that a trader without losses is not a trader. And if you start to trade with money at once, well that's your own right. I have tried a lot and will continue to do so for a long time. I am going to try many things for a long time, and I will keep trying for a long time due to my nature. I have tried many things, and I will be trying them for a long time, because of my nature. That is why I prefer to use demo-programs as my testing tool.

In short, we drive a turd around a basin, but there is no point. Go for the grenade, Eurofoto, what's the point?


I haven't read the whole thread, but I will say it simply, forex is a good subject, but it has a catch! For example: I raised 12000 just for half a day on a demo account with three thousand and the real one is worse, I was going deeper into redemption. But it may be a psychological problem! When you are on the demo, you don't care, but in real life you have a lot of nerves and sometimes without waiting for the check you go into redemption. But it's not all so bad! I had $50 left thinking waffles, but I pondered a bit, poured the expert in the first week came to 180$, made a little modification and 2.5 days I showed a balance: $ 500 with kopecks almost 600, but this expert is something that I can not eliminate, and all 500 left. I don't know how to start exceremnts, I personally stick to variant of redoing indicator stop_reverval, the problem is that the bikes are in pluses and the selves are in minus, in circle krochee. You should make an expert at first, and you'll be safe in case you get nervous. Trust my experience from 21.12.07 if you get the code send it to


An intelligence test comes to mind.

Schematic: - An enclosed room, a 6m wide Rabitz wire mesh screen,

on one side a very hungry animal, on the other side food.

1. The dog - tries to overcome the screen, after unsuccessful attempts starts fussing and successfully gets around the screen.

2. Chicken - pokes head into screen reaching for food, and spends several days in this position until it dies.

However, if the animal is not very hungry - i.e. not very eager - even the chicken finds its way around the net.


Profits in real trading depend on the level of motivation - the stronger the "happiness" the faster the drain.

Eurofoto писал (а) >>

I have been working on a virtual account with MetaTrading4 (Alpari DC charts and terms)for over half a year now.


Every day on virtual account with initial balance of $2.000 I have profit of $300-$700. These figures include both negative and positive trades every day. With a balance of 10.000 (in a month) get a profit of $ 1000 every day.



Funds: $4,300.

Buy order on volume 2.0

As of now I'm $500 in profit... (half an hour of time)

So my question was originally a simple one:

If you leave the ranting about being. When you switch to a real account, is it possible to earn so?

Or may be that from the $ 500 that I earned by writing this post, my DC will subtract 199.8% and I'm really left with only 0.5 dollars? (as an example). Or else what's the catch?

What's the catch?

With this kind of mathematics and terminology of posts and without ranting - on the real early ... You won't get shit, and if you do, it won't last long. And it's not just about MM. But this is imho. In general, the provided data is not enough, maybe you're a wunderkind of forex? If you show me a serious market position at least for a month I may say what kind of trader you are. I do not see 10,000 for a month, not a grand a day, but you are rubbing your nose in it. In any case, good luck, it likes the brave.