Hidden divergence - page 22

s2101 писал (а) >>

The D/C signals are generated similarly (by their appearance, form and properties) both at the end of a wave structure and inside it (during correction), the signals significance is different.
The solution is to use trend indicators. But any trend indicator on the price chart contains the constant component of the price signal. For this reason any multi-period indicators on the price chart are displaced relative to each other vertically. If we remove the constant component, the accuracy will greatly improve. This can be done by placing the trend indicators in the indicator window (and not only MA). (In this case, there are also some peculiarities). Kovalev - are you silent?
this case, the indicator lines are not shifted and the reversal (trend or correction) is generated by convergence of indicator lines in the reversal zone at the top/bottom of the indicator window in any frame, and the moment of the reversal is generated by the divergence indicator. (See "Pivot Indication...").

In my reply to khorosh I said that I was waiting for the confirmation of the signal, but I was waiting for it successively on the lower frames from the major one to the minor one.
For example, the signal generation has started on Daily. It does not mean that its execution will start now, i.e. we should work in the same direction (and the signal is still forming). It will be 2-5 days before the execution. 2-5 bars before the execution the signal will start to form on H4 (continue to work in the same direction), then on H1, M30, etc. Eventually the signals will be formed on all frames simultaneously, this is the exact moment of reversal (which I demonstrated in example 1 (and others) of the article "Pivot") (classic TA, ???). So there is more than enough confirmation with consistent refinement. But it is very difficult(and even impossiblefor many people ) to work only on divergence (convergence) signals. Therefore, the system applies a complex analysis (wave, oscillatory and trend analysis) that visualizes the market situation, where we can see where the wave structure or correction begins/ends on the "small to large" frames.
From the answer we see that the beginning (who would doubt it???) of D/C signal formation is not a reversal signal. The conditions for a reversal are formulated in the article "Fr. connections", while the practical implementation is given in the article "Pivot".

In any case, we must look for a reversal ( it does not matter which one, trend-ending or counter-trending - what about the classic TA ???) and use the one, which is suitable for the specific situation. It may be a trend reversal or a reversal to a correction, or a trend reversal after a correction ends. Either reversal is looked for in the same way. And the significance of a reversal needs to be distinguished. And Geronimo's ardent agitation to look for entries only by trend signals will lead to "plum" (I'm not agitating, but I brought the entry and exit conditions, and where is your 1. entry wording. 2. the wording of the exit? and I guarantee the minimum drawdown in MTS.). He does this from a misunderstanding. You may notice that in most cases, the movement against the trend signals will continue (I am writing there when to exit and that it is at the 2nd and 4th wave). The reason here is not the falsehood of D/C signals. You still need to know their characteristics.
For this reason, I had to introduce the concepts of general and local L/R in my research to ensure the accuracy of the signals. A local D/K signal is always an accurate (within-frame) signal on any frame (so it is a Hidden D/K).

It's all there in the articles, only you have an obvious aversion to reading. I'm not arguing with anyone at all and don't intend to, but someone starts to oppose me at the first glance at the titles of the articles, as if all that I have stated is necessary for me.
P.S. When sell, buy, - look in the articles. I can't spell it all out here.

In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that my post on page 8 is only visible to me. can someone copy here?

In general, I enjoy debatingwith you s2101. And I'm even glad you haven't figured out page #8 it keeps the topic alive otherwise it would have stalled long ago due to extreme clarity.

I wonder what the time lag is with the appearance of posts? Who knows?

Who moderates this thread, please tell me.

SK. писал (а) >>

Correctly said rider:
to attach elementary zz to the history and show on the chart how ... diverters-covers work...".

Indeed, what prevents you from making an elementary indicator (not even MTS) on the principle of ZigZag, but without peeking into the future? Put into it the underlying criteria that are "never false", let it show how they are "always fulfilled on any frame". And then present to the community a picture of a div/con indicator and a line of that indicator (like zz) displayed in the main chart window. The most convincing would be to present the code of such indicator openly, so that everyone could judge for himself whether one can get some benefit from it or not.

>> I absolutely agree with you. I would love to order such an indicator as I have the TOR and part of it is on page 8. But I don't know to whom and for how much. Would you like to put the ToR in the public domain with the mechanism from here post #6.


to Mathemat

The Laplace transform for a tabularly defined function in the interval =period/N tending to zero...
....So there is no EA for the suit.
- But the solution is simple - no need to get clever with the definition of the output and you'll profit)))

s2101 писал (а) >>

SK. wrote (a) >>

You'd better make up your mind.

Thanks SK, you should be a diplomat .... When I don't get an answer to a question asked 10 times I become a dictator :)


Preparing for a global reversal DOWN... Deaver is on all TFs from W1 onwards... Let's see...

it's been a day now - as soon as it's lunchtime, kharko posts - DOWN.
why would he do that)))

"I myself am glad to be deceived..."

What principle do you use in selecting your extremes? Here, look:

The graph is copied from the screen. The reds are spaced randomly, on other vertices.

Wrong? What's the right way? By what rules?

Until the rules are formulated, it is impossible to say anything definite.

Or rather, you can say something, but it is impossible to estimate the prognostic ability of what you have said.

We need clear definitions, clear rules, and clear quantitative indicators.


here is the divergence cognition chart
Thursday "global reversal", M1 (yesterday)
Friday M5 (today)
Monday M15 (will be))
Tuesday M30
Wednesday H1
Thursday H4
Friday D1
so it's not possible to criticise kharko's progress before thursday.


Ecли пocтoяннyю cocтaвляющyю yбpaть, тoчнocть cepьeзнo пoвыcитcя. A cдeлaть этo мoжнo, пoмecтив индикaтopы тpeндa в oкнo индикaтopoв (и не только МА). (При этом тоже есть некоторые особенности). В этом случае линии индикаторов не смещены и разворот ...

1. s2101 - This is a misconception, the offset will remain as it was. And you cannot set the max(min) of the indicators you mentioned to coincide or have a constant offset relative to the max(min) of the price chart, they will wander relative to each other. (or again, the constant component and MA are different things, although my statement is true in both cases).

2) Geronimo don't think that nobody reads, they read, and they read carefully, and they write, but you obviously do not read or do not understand what is being said here. Wavelength..., indicator period..., bandpass filter..., EMA velocity difference and how it relates to problems with using D/C.

3. I fully support S.K. has already been asked and more than once for clear definitions, concepts, criteria. If this appears, then we will move from the dead point.

Z.U. I have never looked at MACD from the perspective of Laplace transforms. It has also become interesting. If you get anything from Mathemat , post it.

SK. писал (а) >>

"I myself am glad to be deceived..."

On what principle do you choose your extremes? Here, look..........

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

If someone had drawn a zigzag oscillator, we wouldn't have to figure out what they see. And it would be easier to look: 33 in charts + 33 in separator.

I'm interested, I've already started coding, but firstly, at my pace it would take me a month, and, secondly, I'll be carried away again, just like that, I'm not interested and my ideas are not liked by everybody :).