Traders Forum - page 16

IlyaF писал (а) >>

timbo writes! What a newsflash :) All your new posts are worthless because until you answer the questions posed, you remain in the status of agreeing with what I wrote - you are a blabbermouth and a loser who is unable to say anything to defend your obviously incorrect theses. Can 't you ask about the size of my case or its manifestation Clarified, trading hero and treasure trove of useless knowledge?

PS Categorically disrespect people who avoid settled or polemics.

What a drama! I am disrespected by an ignoramus who writes in multi-coloured fonts and lavishes his posts with lovingly stolen emoticons. He has no respect for the acknowledged classics of financial theory other than me. Looks like I'm in good company. I won't change a thing.

Mathemat писал (а) >>

What the hell kind of affirmation is that, Korey... I was rudely put in my place (hinting that I'm quite weak in English) when I tried to give the author of this nick an inappropriately greasy compliment:

I don't think there was anything rude about it. Strange how you all reacted to the woman like that. I'm beginning to understand why they don't stick around

IlyaF писал (а) >>

timbo writes! What a newsflash :) All your new posts are worthless because until you answer the questions posed, you remain in the status of agreeing with what I wrote - you are a blabbermouth and a loser who is unable to say anything to defend your obviously wrong theses. Can 't you ask about the size of my case or its manifestation Clarified, trading hero and treasure trove of useless knowledge?

PS Categorically disrespect people who avoid settled or polemic.

Learn from women - you initiated the next thread "about kefir and silence" - women get it right,

and here you are kicking up a fuss like a double-double, allegedly "teachers are bad"...

IlyaF писал (а) >>

There are some amazing men on this forum. The least you could do is show a woman some respect. All those who leave their worthless comments about this girl look like boys at school pulling girls' pigtails. How old are you, Korey?

Here about me the speech has begun))) well in general I it, - mistake of Mr. Stalin.
I look at women through the prism of the M-E-L-S theory.
X-rays come out.))

IlyaF писал (а) >> I don't think there was anything rude about it.

Ilya, it was a joke. I'm not easily offended. And my English is not that bad at all really.

timbo писал (а) >>

What a drama! I am disrespected by an ignoramus who writes in multi-coloured fonts and lavishly adorns his posts with lovingly stolen emoticons. He has no respect for the acknowledged classics of financial theory other than me. Looks like I'm in good company. I won't change a thing.

Why don't you get off the forum then?

In discussions that don't coincide with your opinion one way or another, all you say is that it's "all wrong" and then you shut up. That said, you want some useful information shared with you. For what reason? On the grounds that you took 2 minutes to register? You are a parasite on the forum with no benefit to the community. Again, it's obvious to all observers of this argument who responded rudely first, who doesn't answer questions and who tries to defend their opinion without argument :) Well... "It's me! So great and cool, I've reread all the CLASSICS! I said, This is the truth. And those who don't listen to me are lame! Yes, I'm great and almighty..." But the money's no good :) You sit here on this forum and read everything you like, hoping somebody will give you some ready-made solutions :) And yes... "You're not going to change anything". You're an inert and complex guy. Go ahead, argue! Maybe you've got the guts to argue about it. I think you don't want to participate in threads where I ask you questions because you don't know what to say and are afraid of appearing ignorant yourself. Of course... You're so used to thinking you're a super-great know-it-all, it's hard to face the truth (the truth is that almost everything you know is nonsense that's many years out of date). By the way, I've read the classics, but unlike you who take everything on faith, I can think. That's why I can see what is real and what is just an illusion.And you belong on a forum of beer lovers!

PS Smiley faces are great!


IlyaF писал (а) >>

How old are you, Korey?

IlyaF писал (а) >>

What do you think of the 'code protection' thread? A discussion on market mechanisms started there, but as soon as I tried to figure it out, all the participants disappeared.

Let's track them down and bring them back to the thread so we can get to the truth together!

What is going on anyway? Every topic is filled with superficial opinions. Only a request to help with programming is more or less clear when it gets a response at all. Why any unfamiliar forum participant can suddenly start referring to "you" out of the blue? Why do many forum members think newcomers to the forum are new to everything? So on and so forth.

Which member of the community would like to change something in the community and what suggestions do you have? I do not want to make a "coup", but I would like to have a comfortable thematic environment. If you have any concerns about the forum too, post about it! Maybe I'm not the only one who sees rubbish. Maybe the forum would be better moderated. Maybe discussions will become more consistent and respectful.

Respectfully, forum member.

Dear Participant! - are you talking about yourself? is this self-criticism?

-then where is the result?


IlyaF писал (а) >>

How old are you, Korey?

Korey wrote (a) >>

Learn from women - you initiated the next thread "about kefir and silence" - women get it right,

but you're kicking up a fuss like a "bad teacher"...

Korey wrote (a) >>

I'm the one who's talking about me)) Well, in general, I'm this, - the mistake of Stalin.
I look at women through the prism of the M-E-L-S theory.
X-ray turns out)))

Korey wrote(a) >>

Respected member! - are you talking about yourself? is this self-criticism?

-then where is the result?

You do not see the question?

I further wrote that although I am permanently respectful and consistent, I may well "come down" on unwarranted comments or rudeness. If you don't stop being sarcastic, it will affect you too.

IlyaF писал (а) >>
Why don't you get off the forum then?

Stop it or I'll have you banned!