Traders Forum - page 12

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

So you find that answer witty?

It doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel about it. You have a choice:

- Good.

- bad.

Freedom to choose. Many people do not use this freedom. They choose what they are used to. Not what is best, but what seems to take care of itself, without having to think about it. They do not make choices unconsciously. With your answer you have shown that you have chosen negativity. This is stereotypical behaviour. What do you want from other people?

Vinin писал (а) >>

If you are interested in specific questions, then create a new topic (Igor Kim showed as a few posts above) and ask your own questions. It's not always in other people's questions that your answer will be found. And judging this bazaar is difficult. You have to go deep into the forum where it has been brewing for days.

=) Are you really making fun of me? I didn't write that I was blonde. And HOW to create a thread is clear to me. It's not clear to me how I can create it in such a microclimate - if everyone is oppositional from the start.

KimIV писал (а) >>

It doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel about it. You have a choice:

- good.

- bad.

Freedom to choose. Many people do not use this freedom. They choose what they are used to. Not what is best, but what seems to take care of itself, without having to think about it. They do not make choices unconsciously. With your answer you have shown that you have chosen negativity. This is stereotypical behaviour. What do you want from other people?

You must be a psychiatrist) You try to diagnose everyone)


How women revive this forum after all. I wish more of them did. They often see what we pass by

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

You made a good joke about "meaning".

As for the charter of the monastery... perhaps you and I belong to different circles. And, for example, the respected author of the topic belongs to the third one. We are used to different things and a manifestation of loyalty, about which you trumpet so much - would be just to take his request into account, and not to change his mind with elements of public insults.

Hmmm, :)) You're wrong to identify me with the majority... with the old-timers, I'm the black sheep here... :)) I have a different "religion" :))

In different circles, um... Well, I'm almost 100% sure that's true. I'm not trumpeting loyalty, you completely misunderstand - I'm not loyal, I'm rather quite aggressive. :)) I mean "who cares?" A person wants to be called you and I do not feel comfortable - so I will not call him that... :)) I'm a complete egotist, for me respect is only for professionalism and intelligence. I respect the strong :))) I tolerate the weak, and I think they will not succeed in forks and exchanges. You have to be a professional and a determined professional. :))

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

You must be a psychiatrist)

no :-) ... that's my hobby... On other forums where there are signatures, I sign " Just yesterday I thought I was smart and trying to change the world, today I am wise and trying to change myself... "

And I do think a lot about my motives for my actions, trying to control them and get away from stereotypes.

Prival писал (а) >>

How women revive this forum after all. I wish more of them did. They often see things that we pass by.

Yeah especially when they try to figure out height and weight from the analysis (linguistic) posts.
The phrase "You must be a psychiatrist" just added to the size and substance of the woman.


Hey, sparrow, get out of the way!

I'm not a sparrow, I'm an eagle!!!!

Why so small and weak?

I'm a cheerleader((((((

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

Hm, :)) You're wrong to identify me with the majority... with the old-timers, I'm the black sheep... :)) I have a different "religion" :))

In different circles, um... Well, I'm almost 100% sure that's true. I'm not trumpeting loyalty, you completely misunderstand - I'm not loyal, I'm rather quite aggressive. :)) I mean "who cares?" A person wants to be called you and I do not feel comfortable - so I will not call him that... :)) I'm a complete egotist, for me respect is only for professionalism and intelligence. I respect the strong :))) I tolerate the weak, and I think they will not succeed in forks and exchanges. You have to be a professional and a determined professional. :))

Perhaps this is the cost of youth. Are you young? Personally, I see common sense in the statements of a 'newcomer', but it's not customary here to look at the root. As I understand it, people tend to cling to stereotypes ("there is no such a profitable system!!!") and pretend to be investors or inventors in search of wealth, in fact, tremble for every (note, not even invested!) penny. I have a broader view, and even though I'm not an authority here, which I won't try to be, I'd like to say that I would invest in a venture capital project. The main thing is to get the gist of it. And the essence gets lost in all the hullabaloo.

Mr. Kim recommends starting to change the world with yourself and hence the reason for everything is to be found in yourself first of all. So aren't these reactions the reason why people refuse (change their minds) to post reports, etc.? The environment is not very comfortable for those who do not lick the calloused seats of the local idols with honed movements.

In general, gentlemen, I think the topic has exhausted itself =). Personally I'll ask my questions anyway, following Vinin's advice in a separate topic. And I'd be glad to hear your opinion.)

Korey писал (а) >>

Yeah, especially when they try to figure out height, weight and size from (linguistic) analysis of posts.
The phrase "you must be a psychiatrist" just added to the size and substance of the woman.

Yes? ))) And psychiatrist, which biometric parameter do you think it is? Height or weight? ) Now that you've decided to show off your wit.