Traders Forum - page 11

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

Don't mind them, they are very sensitive and close-minded... Ask yourself, what do you want from the forum? Somehow I think that knowledge... Well, just ignore it. Still, there are people who are very sensitive to their nickname ( M, do not take it personally, it's definitely not about you :)) ) ... And sometimes for some reason demand something from others ... Proof, politeness, correct spelling... They're looking for some kind of truth :)) Which for Forex is one thing - money. No money, no truth :))) I know people who make money despite all the scientific "truths". I even get jealous sometimes. He bets and wins, despite everything... So get those maxims out of your head. They want you to write without errors, it's just their problem. And there's no such thing as absolute truth, as KimIV rightly said.

:)) As for women, of course you're right - there are stereotypes and stupid men, but my sister is a programmer - she watched so much of this stupidity, but now she got a job and earns very good money - she's on Google.

Thanks for the clarification, but I see nothing wrong with a person wanting to be treated politely. I'm a newbie myself, but I agree with IlyaF that it doesn't mean that in life I graduated yesterday and am ready to listen to offtopic tutorials. When I receive information, I (like many other business people) have some demands on its quality. And while you can't expect the same quality from this forum as you would expect from thousands-of-dollars marketing research, still visiting MQL4 forum I don't want to feel like in a plateau, where modern Socrates occupies himself with sophistry, arguing about his understanding of etiquette. If in real life, a man asks you to call him by his first name, you shrug your shoulders and continue the discussion with a correction. But here such a request has become an occasion for insinuation. It's sad.

Still, I have a substantive question. HOW can I open threads and ask questions and suggest discussions if most of the people here simply feed off the energy of conflict? )

KimIV писал (а) >>

333 mares under the bonnet... can you handle it? :-)

LeoV wrote (a) >>

I'll try hard..... very hard!!! :-)

KimIV wrote (a) >>

...and the price starts at 1,687,280 rubles.

By our, Kungurian standards, that's a two-bedroom flat...

Don't be jealous, gentlemen, don't be jealous)) I didn't inherit it either. Patience and work, as they say...)

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>
HOW can I open topics?
KimIV писал (а) >>

So you find that answer witty?

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

Still, I have a substantive question. HOW can I open threads and ask questions and suggest discussions when most people here just feed off the energy of conflict? )

Perhaps one should put the question right. And don't be surprised if you don't get an answer. You may as well repeat it. After the third time there will be an answer for sure.

But in fact they are just another bazaar. And the topic is one where you can show off your wit.

NProgrammer писал (а) >> Ask yourself, what do you want from the forum? Somehow I think knowledge...

What I can say is this. This is one of the most sane forums. The swearing on all the others is horrendous. I wasn't looking for knowledge, forex secrets, or any grails on this forum. I met three great programmers on this forum. Not only good programmers, but also just good people. Have done some good work with them, from EAs to external MT applications.

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

Thanks for the clarification, but I see nothing wrong with a person wanting to be treated politely. I am a newbie myself, but I agree with IlyaF that this does not mean that in life I graduated yesterday and am ready to listen to off-topic tutorials. When I receive information, I (like many other business people) have some demands on its quality. And while you can't expect the same quality from the forum as from thousands of dollars of marketing research, still visiting MQL4 forum you don't want to feel like you are on a plateau, where modern Socrates occupies himself with sophistry, arguing about his understanding of etiquette. If in real life, a man asks you to call him by his first name, you shrug your shoulders and continue the discussion with a correction. But here such a request has become an occasion for insinuation. It's sad.

Still, I have a substantive question. HOW can I open threads and ask questions and offer discussion when most of the people here are simply feeding off the energy of conflict? )

That's the way it is on the internet, YOU, it's not a sign of disrespect... It's a style. The desire to be called "YOU" indicates either an ego flashback, a habit or an attempt to defend oneself. Personally, I don't give a damn if you, you... What difference does it make? But the desire to rewrite the charter of the monastery in your own way is foolishness. The Internet is a super-democratic place. The main thing here is not the form but the meaning.


Vinin, you are right. This is a bazaar. A prime example is me asking a substantive question. It gets twisted and turned into an excuse for banter.

NProgrammer писал (а) >>

That's the way it is on the internet, YOU, it's not a sign of disrespect... It's a style. Wanting to be called YOU, in my opinion, indicates either an acute-repression of one's ego, or a habit, or an attempt to protect oneself. Personally, I don't give a damn if you, you... What difference does it make? But the desire to rewrite the charter of the monastery in your own way is foolishness. The Internet is a super-democratic place. The main thing here is not the form but the meaning.

You made a good joke about "meaning".

And as for the charter of the monastery... Maybe we belong to different circles. And, for example, the respected author of this thread belongs to the third one. We are used to different things and a manifestation of loyalty, of which you trumpet so much - would be just to take his request into account, and not to change his mind with elements of public insults.

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

Vinin, you are right. This is a bazaar. A prime example is me asking a substantive question. It gets twisted and turned into an excuse for banter.

If you are interested in specific questions, then create a new topic (Igor Kim showed as a few posts above) and ask your own questions. It's not always in other people's questions that your answer will be found. And judging this bazaar is difficult. You have to go deep into the forum where it has been brewing for days.