[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 841


That's all right. Tried to answer in your own style, you do that sometimes too...

Civilisation grows exponentially at its growth points. The exponential parameter is at the top, in degree. That's why you should not calculate the difference of two neighbouring exponents in order to estimate the growth rate, but their ratio.

What does it mean - "civilisation is growing"?

Peter, it's long overdue.

Alexei has just invented the logarithmic ruler.

Just because I didn't add a smiley face doesn't mean I didn't smile :)
tara: What does it mean to say that civilisation is evolving?

Not just "civilization grows."

Mathemat: Civilisation develops exponentially at its growth points

You've heard of Moore's Law, haven't you, namesake?


No, I haven't.

And I don't really understand the development of civilisation. At all. What does this development mean?

tara: Yes, and I don't really understand the development of civilisation. At all. What does this development mean?

Honestly, I'm having trouble answering that.

Well, I was talking about technical development. You can read about what it means somewhere else, I am not strong in philosophies and am not ready for such a large-scale conversation. Especially if you have not heard about Moore's law.

A girl comes home stoned, sits on a chair and starts snapping her fingers.
She clicks for five minutes, ten, fifteen... - sits still and snaps.
Her mother comes in and asks:
- Natasha, are you all right?
The girl, snapping her fingers:
- Right! Natasha!


A mother comes home and observes the scene:
- Her son is sitting in front of the open fridge eating frozen dumplings.
- Son, you should at least boil them!
The son is frightened:
- Who's stoned?!
A Bedouin is beating his rug as hard as he can.
A Russian tourist walks up:
- Well, what's the matter, bro, doesn't it start?
Entertain yourself on the bus.
Look long and hard at one of the passengers, then pick up the phone and say:
- "Hello, chief? I found him!"

The husband comes home suddenly from the internet...