[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 819

People were not born today, they study history in schools and draw conclusions, there is no escaping the facts. Poland will never forget the shooting of its officers in Russia. Contemporary Russians, if they are not ignorant idiots, will never forget their ancestors who perished innocently in the Gulag camps. And no matter how good we are now, the public opinion of Russia which was formed in the 20th century will be difficult to change for a long time to come. The process is exacerbated by the nefarious dealings of the modern mafia and corruption at the top of government, as well as the rudeness of our tourists abroad.
The same Germans during the Second World War burnt hundreds of thousands of innocent people in their camps (in Poland, for example). And by your logic, they should be hated by the whole world but they are not. Stop slandering Russia, the Soviet Union and its 240 million former citizens. Yes, there have been shootings and repressions, by the way targeting not only the white and fluffy Czechs or Poles but everyone. There is no division between the humiliated and insulted West and the evil empire, the USSR and then Russia.
The same Germans during World War II burned hundreds of thousands of innocent people in their camps (in Poland, for example). And by your logic, they should be hated by the whole world, but they are not. Stop slandering Russia, the Soviet Union and its 240 million former citizens. Yes, there have been shootings and repressions, by the way targeting not only the white and fluffy Czechs or Poles but everyone. There is no division between the humiliated and insulted West and the evil empire, the USSR and then Russia.
No matter how many times you say the word sugar, it won't get sweeter in your mouth. Russia's public image does not depend on how many times we, the Russians, repeat the words "enough lies", but depends on the opinion and attitude of foreign citizens and their governments towards Russia and Russians. Therefore, Russia's rating should be raised by deeds, not by saying "enough lies". For the problem to be solved, it must be voiced. Keeping it quiet, which you are calling for, only preserves it and does nothing to solve it.
No matter how many times you say the word sugar, it won't get sweeter in your mouth. Russia's public image does not depend on how many times we, the Russians, repeat the words "enough lies"; it depends on the opinion and attitude of foreign citizens and their governments towards Russia and Russians. That is why Russia's rating should be raised by deeds, not by the words "enough lies".

Start with yourself. Don't throw cigarettes in the street. Don't throw rubbish out your car window. When you come to nature, clear a space for yourself and take out the rubbish. Teach your children to do the same.
{...} there's no getting away from the facts {...}
Well, learn the facts. Learn them.
{...} Poland will never forget the execution of its officers in Russia {...}
What is it about? About Katyn :-D ?

Start with yourself. Don't throw cigarettes in the street. Don't throw rubbish out your car window. When you go to the countryside, clear a space for yourself and take out the rubbish. And teach your children to do the same.
I agree - we differ from civilized Europeans in this way, not for the better, but it is more important to purify your soul and not to grab a traumatic gun for any reason).
khorosh: a depends on the opinions and attitudes towards Russia and the Russians of foreign citizens and their governments. That is why Russia's rating should be raised by deeds, not by saying "stop lambasting".

They have already done so much for the sake of the rating, for example, we buy their foreign cars in exchange for gas and oil, they get jobs, we drive officials' asses around - and that is exactly the positive rating, but if AvtoVAZ were to flood half of Europe with inexpensive and high-quality cars that would lead to job cuts and closure of businesses, the rating would only go down no matter how you argue

By the way, American tourists are a separate category of tourists, but nevertheless they are always welcome, because they are tourists with money, and it does not matter how much they respect the culture of foreigners

SZS: "Russians should be reduced to 15 million people servicing wells and mines" . M.Thatcher - look how culturally the first man in the state set out her vision at that time! And here you are talking about culture and history.

SZZY:"... Russia's task after losing the Cold War is to provide resources to prosperous countries. But they only need fifty to sixty million people to do it. Reagan (US president):

So learn the facts. Learn them.
What is this about? About Katyn :-D ?
Does the place of execution matter?


They have already done so much for the sake of the rating, for example, we buy their foreign cars in exchange for gas and oil, they get jobs, we drive officials' asses around - and that is exactly the positive rating, but if AvtoVAZ were to flood half of Europe with inexpensive and high-quality cars that would lead to job cuts and closure of businesses, the rating would only go down no matter how you argue

By the way, American tourists are a separate category of tourists, but nevertheless they are always welcome, because they are tourists with money, and it does not matter how much they respect the culture of foreigners

SZS: "Russians should be reduced to 15 million people servicing wells and mines" . M.Thatcher - look how culturally the first man in the state set out her vision at that time! And here you are talking about culture and history.

SZZY:"... Russia's task after losing the Cold War is to provide resources to prosperous countries. But they only need fifty to sixty million people to do it. Reagan (US President):

1. Don't confuse the opinion of citizens and the foreign public with the interests of individual automakers.

2. Yes, they are happy about money of American tourists, but they do not like tourists, although they smile at them with a fake smile. There is a lot to dislike about the U.S. too. They are trying to establish their own order all over the world.

3. The utterances of individual far-right hawks in the west should also not be linked to the views of ordinary citizens and the public. These statements were made in order to attract the votes of far-right voters and nothing more.

I agree - we differ from civilised Europeans in this way, not for the better, but it is more important to cleanse your soul and not grab a traumatic gun for any reason).
And in general, it's good when people theorize like this. I like it. You made this thread ;-).
At least the person has not seen the consequences of the holidays in the same Finland )). Or the UK evening.