[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 822

Welcome back :)

Happy second trip.

"Steal, drink, go to jail..."

you betcha!!! ;)
so maybe you know Milan Kostka too?

With a second trip.

"Steal, drink, go to jail..."

They say the mods' bathhouse has a Vip service and a man comes out of there with a clean body and clean thoughts. Because they wash not only the body, but also the mind).
oooh, ulcers....

This abbreviation could be used as the emblem for the new Russian car model.
moskitman: so maybe you know Milan Kostka too?
I don't remember, was he not from the USSR? I remember there were a couple of guys and girls who were children of foreign embassy employees. And I have problems with my classmates - I changed schools nine times during my studies.
I don't remember, was he not from the USSR? I remember there were a couple of guys and girls who were children of foreign embassy employees. And I have problems with my classmates: I changed schools nine times while I was at school, so how many of them can I remember?

Well, yes, there were mostly Bulgarians and Mongols, and he was the only Czech (or Slovak, I don't remember).

What was your year?


Well, yes, there were mostly Bulgarians and Mongols, and he was the only Czech (or Slovak, I don't remember).

What year was yours?

and there were Bulgarians! i remember, one was a tall, hot brunette ..... )))

Year of graduation? hmm, I have not finished school there - the conclusion began, finished school in 93, already in Crimea

ZS: if I'm not mistaken, there was a Slovakian - I think he also had a game console, such a non-Schenese "Well, wait!!!"


And there were the burners! I remember one of them, a tall, burly brunette ..... )))

Year of graduation? hmm, i did not graduate there - the conclusion began, i finished school in 93, already in Crimea

ZS: if I'm not mistaken, there was a Slovakian - I think he also had a game console, such a non-Schenese "Well, wait!!!"

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