[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 692


A firm has opened a new office. The bosses thought 'someone might steal it'. So the firm hired a watchman.

Then the bosses thought, "how can the watchman act without instructions?" So the firm hired two consultants - one to draw up the rules, the other to conduct seminars.

Then the bosses thought, "how do we know if the watchman is doing his job well?" So the firm hired two auditors - one for inspections, the other for reports.

Then the bosses thought, "how are we going to pay them all?" So the firm hired two accountants - one to keep the accounts, the other to manage the cash register.

Then the bosses thought, "who will be in charge of all this staff?" So the firm hired a manager, his deputy, and a firm lawyer.

A year went by. The bosses reviewed their budget, which was $20,000 over the plan, and decided they needed to cut costs.

So the firm fired the caretaker.

Putin found two amphorae at the bottom of the sea: had they planted them on him? After all, it's only two metres deep...
Putin found two amphorae at the bottom of the sea: had they planted them on him? After all, it's only two metres deep...
I am reminded of the film "The Diamond Arm".
Putin found two amphorae at the bottom of the sea: had they planted them on him? After all, it's only two metres deep.
How many jokes will there be now and what kind of jokes! To set himself up like this... They're getting lazy.
Link from the A: A blonde programmer wants to be believed.

A little on the subject.

A Georgian bought a Zaporozhets car, and parked it outside his house.
In the morning, no Zaporozhets.
He bought another one - same story in the morning.
He bought a third one, left it under the window (he should have bought a garage long ago, idiot)
with a note - "Neighbours, let me ride it".
In the morning, instead of Zaporozhets, there is a black Volga with a note -

"Ride it, ride it, but don't disgrace the nation.


Tania Kapelina, 27 years old, but in the text "My name is Tania, I'm 23 years old". Something doesn't add up.