[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 541


Andrew, cool picture, but you would remove it - in the context of the current situation, it may offend Senka.

Come on, it is clear that for me knitting is a dog (woolen) pornography, I showed his wife, she did not understand )

what i don't know - i don't pretend to know )

Andrey, it's a funny picture, but you should remove it - in the context of the current situation it could offend Sanka.
The humour of this cartoon is an unusual illustration of a familiar word. As long as we're talking about knitting, it's even funnier. And no need to be offended. I did not mean that Sanyok started an offensive thread :-).
The humour of this cartoon is an unusual illustration of a familiar word. While we're on the subject of knitting, it's even funnier. And don't be offended. I don't mean that Sanyok started an off-topic, but he did :-).

Ah-ah, now I see, and then I first understood it, as a recommendation for action Sanka (by analogy with the picture) :-))



Sverdlovsk Region government officials banned from using free email and Skype
Encryption of communication channels by applications not certified in Russia "constitutes a nuisance for FSB monitoring".


Idiocy and bureaucracy (bank billboard)



Idiocy and bureaucracy (bank billboard)


yes, indeed, in naval combat terminology, e4 is "Killed". :-)))

Idiocy and bureaucracy (bank billboard)


Usually the job of any big office.

What can I say... Life is sometimes cooler than any satire. One could think of Wilde: life only displays art (here, satire). I would add, it displays it creatively and with a bias towards the grotesque.

KVN Festival in Sochi is open!

List of teams from the first round. #124 team "Padlopatku", Bryansk (my steam locomotive technical school, not advertising :) )

Livevideo broadcast. At 18-00 performed team number 95.




"Daddy, will you make some more bubbles?"

"I'll teach you, son - when it's not just me, but all of us can eat lots of peas, garlic and soya. Bread and water alone won't do you any good, no matter how hard you try..."