[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 3


Dot is a cunt, a lid. The dictionary seems to have been compiled by people with a sense of humour.


MetaEditor => Create => custom indicator => add => arrow => arrow code => " F1 " !

everything hangs ! trying to restart also only helps reboot ! :) or :((( don't know !


A case study with a young trader.
-Darling, how are you doing in the FOREX market?
- Fine, darling, the deposit will double in a year.
- Take a little off, we need to buy a chandelier.
The trader cannot refuse his beloved wife, takes it off, goes to the shop, buys a chandelier and a bottle to wash down his successful purchase. After emptying the bottle with his wife, the trader says that he will not use the services of an electrician and will install the chandelier himself. He climbed up on the step-ladder to the ceiling and started the installation. He sees his hubby from below and looks longingly at his hands fiddling with the chandelier wires or his saggy testicle peeping out from under his trousers. She can't resist the temptation to flick her husband's saggy testicle gently
on her husband's sagging testicle. The trader falls to the floor, the crystal chandelier is smashed to pieces with a terrifying scream and a rumbling noise. The wife closes her eyes and frightens him.
The husband in a frightened and apologetic tone:
- Darling, I was so electrocuted that I felt the horror of the margins of my balls.
Two men decided to take a trip in a hot-air balloon, the wind blew them away in an unknown direction, and they got lost. They fly over a field and there are two mushroom enthusiasts walking, and the travellers shout to them:
- Excuse me, we're off course, can you tell me where we are?
- In a hot air balloon, 15 metres above the ground.
- Excuse me, but aren't you analysts?
- How did you guess?
- Your advice is useless.
- Are you traders by any chance?
- How did you know that?
- You never know where you are.
Three cats end up in a cat shelter.
The first is a priest's cat, the second an architect's, and the third a trader's.
They are each given a bowl of kiteket.
The priest's cat drops the bowl on the floor, spreads the food crosswise, prays,
eats the food and quietly goes to sleep contented.
The architect's cat also spills the food, makes an architectural plan out of it,
It moves and thinks for a long time, swaps parts, finally eats it all and lies down quietly, contentedly, and sleeps.
The cat pours the food on the floor, looks at it tensely, starts pounding furiously with his bowl, crushes it into dust, spreads three roads out of this dust, sniffs them, fucks the first two cats, falls on his back and hysterically yells "Fuck..., I can't work like that!
- What do spermatozoa and traders have in common?
- Both come to work for millions, and only a few manage to survive and multiply.
xrust писал(а) >>

MetaEditor => Create => custom indicator => add => arrow => arrow code => " F1 " !

everything hangs ! trying to restart also only helps reboot ! :) or :((( don't know !

Come to think of it, a year ago I was still very green and young I wrote this shit pricks and now by chance, thanks to the lifting of LeoV branch decided to double-check - it works ! terminal does not collapse - progess !!! :)

LeoV писал(а) >>

A case study with a young trader.

Leo, great! Haven't laughed like that in a long time. Thanks, man.

A cliché, but still... Everyone should see this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2-56MfzsT0&feature=related

Who can't get enough for a deposit ?

It's a joke, just in case.
