[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 2

Well that's so not humour, but I've only seen that once! :)

Oops, the picture didn't fit:(

open the meta-editor in the navigator and search for "e" in the found search for "eekm" =) all the meta-editor hangs up =)
He who NETWORKED doesn't laugh in Word)))))
He who NETWORKED, he doesn't laugh in Word)))))

Mega credit !!!
You look for the office on the slushka. You click on "travel directions". Then click on "how to get there". See how the car reaches the office. Then press the "how to go" button. When the person enters the office, press the image of the office and watch... (with sound, so be careful)

You look for the office on the slushka. You click on "travel directions". Then click on "how to get there". See how the car reaches the office. Then press the "how to go" button. When the person enters the office, press the image of the office and watch... (with sound, so be careful)
