[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 232


I don't know, maybe I personally just want to believe that marine mammals are not stupider (or maybe smarter) than us...?

the example of people and wild untrained dolphins fishing together on islands in the Philippines.

And experiments with dolphin training, when in one experiment dolphins press the "yes" button and then the "no" button and in the other experiment the dolphin is told to bring the ring and the ball (while there is no ring in the pool) and it brings the ball, swims away and presses the "no" button?

Last summer in Kerch I personally witnessed the spectacle of a dolphin chasing a half-metre-long mullet to a small beach. It came so close that people had already started running out of the water. Everyone was looking at him. Caught the fish, he dived out with it in his teeth and SHOWED it to the spectators on the beach! Did he know they were watching? Hear the cheers? Sensed the emotion? Bragged about his agility? Or all of the above?

And as for the pigs... there are some pretty smart ones... working in the office next door)))

In all the cases described - for dolphins it is probably a game and nothing more! (Like a kitten playing with a bow on a string).

Plus professional training, lasting months or even years! Training can often achieve amazing results. There, even hunting birds such as falcons were "adapted" by training since ancient times! But birds of prey are no smarter than chickens.

There are many different tales about dolphins, alleging that they rescue people by pushing those drowning to the shore. I once read an article by famous professional dolphinologist, where he proved that it happens. Dolphins are playing and they accidentally pushed a drowning man towards the shore. Such cases are immediately known if a person is rescued. But there are many times more cases, when playing dolphins on the contrary contribute to drowning man's death, but there is nobody to tell about it, because there is "no man, no problem....", and such cases are not publicized.

There are many different tales about dolphins, they rescue people by pushing a drowning man to the shore. I once read a translated article by famous professional dolphinologist, where he proved that it happens. Dolphins are playing and they accidentally pushed a drowning man towards the shore. Such cases are immediately known if a person is rescued. But there are many times more cases when dolphins, on the contrary, contribute to drowning man's death, but there is nobody to tell about it, because "no man - no problem....".

Deza! Dolphins do not push up drowning dolphins by accident, but because it is their instinct to push their newborn baby until it can swim up on its own to breathe, whatever a professional dolphinologist knows - well amazing.

If there's no one to tell, then how does he know?


If he is an expert, he certainly knows about instincts. I have only told you a little of what I remember from that article. A human being and a newborn baby are, after all, "two big differences". I presume that a specialist in his field (which is what the author advertised) knows exactly what amateurs do not know. And where from?

Well, that's not a question for me.

Arsis: just now I looked at the Q key on the keyboard
Arsis: very interesting key :)
Arsis: 2 letters, but what's the meaning!!!

In the south of Russia, a good friend of mine, a husband and wife, works in one of the dolphinariums. By the way, the husband worked at FB until 98, then briefly as a manager of household appliances.

One day they went as a family to a dolphinarium in St. Petersburg. After the show, the husband stayed at the dolphinarium, and the next day he went to work for them, a rare case where a person found

himself 100%. Now he is one of the best trainers in the country. Later, together with the dolphinarium they moved to the south where they have been living for several years. Well, they don't know how to explain to people who come from all over Russia

parents of sick children that there is no dolphin therapy. Although they could make good money on it. I mean there is an effect, but it is the effect of close contact with the animal,

You can buy a cat for your kid with the same effect. And people buy tickets with the last bit of money and are ready to live in a tent.

And it's because some special professional has "discovered" dolphin therapy.



Oh, my God, where are we going? :(

Welcome to democracy and free market relations! :)


But it is not profitable or prestigious to study pigs! It is much more profitable and expensive to "use state funds" in the southern tropical seas, next to exotic islands on expensive ships and equipment.

On the other hand, one can write dissertations on dolphin squeaks and whistles and call these sounds "speech" of our marine brothers... "Peeple will eat it up..." !

Excuse me, where did you get this information from?

Especially about "peeple will eat it up"?


The dolphins are the subject of so many rumours, alleging that they rescue people by pushing them towards the shore.
That's not a story.

If he is an expert, he certainly knows about instincts. I have only told you a little of what I remember from that article. A human being and a newborn baby are, after all, "two big differences". I assume that a specialist in his field (which is what the author advertised) knows exactly what is unknown to amateurs. And where from?

Well, it's not for me to ask.

There are many professionals nowadays, for example a masterpiece of scientific thought:

...at a world conference at Arizona University in the USA under the title "Recent advances in the science of consciousness" theses of Petersburg scientist, doctor of biological and candidate of medical sciences, president of Saint-Petersburg association of psychopuncture, head of psychophysiology laboratory of V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute, professor V.B. Slezin and candidate of medical sciences I.Y. Rybina have been published.

These abstracts speak of the discovery of an unusual phenomenon - a special state of a person during prayer. Scientists decided to study the state of the human brain during prayer. They invited the abbot of one of the monasteries and recorded his encephalogram during prayer. As they say themselves: they were stunned by the results. They found that when the praying person was fully conscious in a prayerful state, the encephalogram showed a complete shutdown of the cerebral cortex. The person was sitting and praying, but he had a complete absence of electrical impulse indicating cortical activity. That is, they observed a complete shutdown of the cerebral cortex with clear consciousness.

The man is simply unfamiliar with the matchmaking. In fact during prayer and meditation the potential is distributed evenly throughout the cortex so the encephalograph shows nothing.