[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 21

Mathemat >>:

Продолжаем. У арктангенса и синуса тут разные аргументы.

При достаточно большом n и x(n) = 1/((n+0.5)*Pi) подкоренное будет равно примерно

arctg(1/((n+0.5)*Pi)) * sin((n+0.5)*Pi) ~ 1/((n+0.5)*Pi) * (-1)^n -> 0, но знак будет меняться. Вот тебе последовательность, дающая чередование знаков.

А предел корня из х существует только справа и равен нулю.

Эхх, Mischek, ну ты и кашу заварил...

2 Richie: это возможно в алгоритмических языках, если х типа double. Только ничего смешного тут нет :(

I erased a piece of text long ago, I had time to figure it out. I was hoping you had gone for a coffee and didn't notice, but no, you did.

"And the limit of the root of x exists only to the right and is zero."

So maybe that limit exists too, but only to the right? Although... if it jumps, I don't think so :(

Richie >>:

Даю подсказку: Swan догадался.


Here is truly an example of a dumb TK, the question was addressed to Mathematicians among others

A question to ask, mathematicians and not:

Is it possible that the expression (1x+3x+5x) is not equal to 18 if x=2 ?

The emphasis is on mathematicians, while the solution is in another area, that of "programming paradoxes".

Richie >>:
Urain, а вы так и не поняли в чём тут дело :)

Richie писал(а) >>
Urain, and you still don't understand the point :)

It's enough to compile there to see that different characters are used in the string: "x" and "ha".

But in this interpretation the task is incorrect, because there is not enough data.

I was thinking of something else - by default we take a numeric record in decimal format. And the problem doesn't say what system it is in.

In hexadecimal, with x=2 we have: (1x+3x+5x)=12.


Richie - the problem with dubbing is not humour, it's a nuisance that needs to be dealt with :(
PapaYozh писал(а) >>

It's enough to compile there to see that different characters are used in the string: "X" and "Huh."

Congratulations. The characters are indeed different - Russian and Latin. False sight :)

Richie писал(а) >>

Congratulations. The symbols are indeed different - Russian and Latin. Optical illusion :)

>>Fraud or not, it depends on the font.

Itso писал(а) >>
Richie - dubbing problem is not a humour, it's a harmful phenomenon that needs to be dealt with :(

There is no type conversion problem in that code.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Nope, Matcad is lying. There is no limit. If there was no root, everything would be tip-top, ln(2).

The limit exists, mathcad is right.)

The root of the product is written out as the product of the roots. Then one of the roots turns to zero - the whole product turns to zero.

p.s. imho, of course)