[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 15

Farnsworth >>:

PS Хотя х. его знает. надо будет при случае проверить. Сдается мне, что то, что под корнем - ноль и остается токо два.

Yes, under the root is zero, no argument. The sub-root function is perfectly natural and honestly tends to zero (in the real region), but, bastard, it does so in an alternating and also infinitely more frequent manner. So because of the root we cannot specify any neighborhood of point x=0 in which the entire root is defined. But this is the main condition for the existence of the limit: the function must be defined in the vicinity of the limit point.


- How old is the anniversary of a real programmer?

- At 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and if you are very lucky, at 128


Phrase from a conversation between two progessors: Suppose I give you 1000 rubles, let's take 1024 ...


Right. One hacker says to another:

- Listen, lend me 500 rubles. Or no, let's go straight to the round number, 512.


Question for mathematicians and non-mathematicians: write a mathematical expression of a modulus of a variable as a function.

I was once asked this question by a professor at a university when I was taking my exams.


y = MathSqrt(x^2)

Mathemat писал(а) >>

y = MathSqrt(x^2)

Exactly. That's exactly what I wrote, much to the professor's disappointment.

y = Sqrt(x^2)


And why was he disappointed?

Generally speaking, you should be more specific about what function is meant. If he wanted a single expression claiming to be "analytical", that is correct.

But you could just write a regular module definition. This would also be a function.