[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 844


Mindful exercise spiritualises the face always. Overexertion sometimes leads to tragedy. This is no laughing matter.

Even without overexertion, it is always fatal; all you have to do is learn one column of the multiplication table and the end is inevitable. You don't believe me?

As you know, doing maths does not add to beauty or youthfulness and is fatal in 100% of cases.
Why not! For example, if Perelman is washed and cut (especially his nails) ... he will look young and beautiful... )))))
Why not! For example, if Perelman washed and trimmed (especially his nails) ... he would look young and beautiful... )))))

It's only a temporary effect.
If I were Tolstoy, I would have written a novel. PERELMAN'S SPACE.

Grigory Perelman, who was previously the first to prove Poincaré's hypothesis, has again made an invaluable contribution to science. This time he was able to work out the scheme for postponing the May holidays previously announced by the Russian government. It is worth noting that this problem has already been recognised by scientists as unsolvable and has even been put on the list of "Millennium Problems".

"The system of three consecutive working Saturdays and multiple postponements of weekdays has not been used before and has not been comprehensible to any researcher, let alone ordinary people. Its rationality had not yet been proven, it was considered impossible! - comments Phil Olson, a specialist at the Clay Mathematical Institute. - It is likely that Mr Perelman used his findings from proving Poincaré's hypothesis to understand the complicated system of working and holiday days.

- Excuse me, are you the one they call Spider-Man?

- Fuck, I'm sick of it! So what if I missed a fly in the compote once...



"Goodbye, my boy" ("sad was the night call...") -



