[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 843


it's a friendly caricature

Beautiful!) Yusuf and Matemat already have.... who's next?
I read somewhere about an Amazon tribe where they count one, two, many.

However, how can the news be twisted.

Mathematics stripped of the title of 'universal language of the universe' - The notion of a number series is not innate


Beautiful!) On Yusuf and Matemata already have.... who's next?
next ChaVo

However, how can the news be twisted.

Mathematics stripped of the title of 'universal language of the universe' - The notion of a number series is not innate

You don't have to go to the Papuans to write that. It's a report on mastering the dough.
moskitman: it's a friendly caricature.
That's me being so handsome and young about... five or six years ago.
That's how handsome and young I was about... Five or six years ago.

As you know, doing maths does not add to beauty or youthfulness and is fatal in 100% of cases.
That's how handsome and young I was about... Five or six years ago.
update your ava - I'll draw you more...
A pig, seeing a barbecue in the yard, started catching mice and barking at strangers.

It is well known that doing maths does not add to beauty or youthfulness and is fatal 100% of the time.

Mindful exercise will always make you look good. Overexertion sometimes leads to tragedy. This is no laughing matter.