[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 838

You come from the 1990s if:
- you're incapable of making sense of the phrase: "a three-litre can of beer broke".
- you don't believe there was a time when flats were free
- you don't think it's normal to always carry your passport with you.
- You know the word "computer", but you don't know the abbreviation "computer".
- You don't understand how people used to be able to live without code locks on
or bars on the windows on the ground floors.
- you believe in astrological horoscopes. But you also firmly believe that...
the study of physics and astronomy will never be useful to you in life.
- you don't know what it means to punch a ticket.
- You don't find anything unnatural in the phrase "tuition
"tuition" and "medical fees."
- By "send a letter" you mean "send an e-mail".
- You associate the name "Sobchak" exclusively with the host of Home 2.


Dress fashionably!


Top компьютерных шуточек:
1. 16 мегабайт тому назад...
2. А кофе на клавиатуру тоже вирус пролил?
3. Я пришёл к тебе с дискетой - рассказать, что сеть упала
4. pkunzip.zip
5. 001, 010, 011, 100, 101 - вышел зайчик погулять
6. Если глюк оказался вдруг, и не друг и не враг, а баг...
7. Нет повести печальнее на свете, чем повесть о заклинившем Reset'е
8. Жизнь.exe /?
9. 4 Mb - это не память. Это склероз.
10. Нажмите любую клавишу... Нет, нет, только не эту!..
11. Ничто так не ограничивает полёт мысли программиста, как компилятор
12. Клаву топтать - это вам не с Джойстиком баловаться...
13. Российские хакеры взломали бортовой компьютер российского истребителя СУ-27. Теперь боекомплект самолёта нескончаемый.

9. 4 Mb - это не память. Это склероз.

Well, that's a matter of opinion. In 1993, with i386SX and Windows 3.11, everything worked fine on 4 meg of memory... Oh, and the HDD was about 100 megs.

Just as the Pentium came out, but it was too expensive.


You were cool on a 386. I had an 8086 in '93 with a meter of memory and 10 meters of hard drive.

but i remember running vin 95 on a 386 with 4 meters of memory, it took 20 minutes to load... :))) ... really DX (with a separate motherboard)

FAQ: But I remember I used to run Win 95 on a 386 with 4 m, it took about 20 minutes to load... :))) ... but DX (with a separate motherboard)

We bought a soprano and then we installed the software. Before that, we had DOS.

Oh, one more detail: the whole computer with the dot matrix printer (the laser one was very expensive) and, I think, a B/W monitor under 13 inches cost about fifteen hundred greenbacks. A decent computer with printer and monitor was still around that price...

In '94, memory and HDD were at a monstrous cost. As a result 1 meg of memory cost about 40-45 quid if I'm not mistaken, and HDD 100 meg was about 100 quid.


We had a history with monikers :)

... At that time, all security enterprises switched to conversion, and the transformer plant, which until then had produced parts for missiles, started producing black 11-inch TV monitors for computers with video output (Sinclair and other Searches). We converted them to VGA, I even downloaded SVGA (800x600) from them... Sold like cakes to local computer fans ;)

We had a joker who signed Any Key in the accounts department before the quarterly report. We threw him in there afterwards (in the accounts department) and locked the doors. He was serious about it for half a year.
We had a joker who signed Any Key in the accounts department before the quarterly report. We threw him in there afterwards (in the accounts department) and locked the doors. He was serious about it for half a year.


- Let's go to Goodwin! He'll give me a clever brain!
- And me, a good heart.
- And me?!
- And you'll be the donor...