[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 735


From Bashorg:

I brought the documents for signature to an office, and I'm waiting in the reception area. There's a receptionist sitting next to me, and some guy, obviously also a local employee, is hovering over her and bossing her around:
Him: OK, now go and check my emails.
Her: OK, where do you have it?
Him: What do you mean, where?
She: You know, Mail, Rambler...?
Him: I don't know.
She: I need to know. Did the website look like this, white and blue?
Him: Yeah, that's right! The username is ..... The password is .......
She: The password is wrong.
Him: Well, I gave it a rough name, I don't remember exactly. Let's try it on other sites.
Her(calmly): That won't work, you need to remember the exact password.
Him(irritated): Just go to some other website with the email.
Her: That won't work...
Him: Yo, Anya! That's why nobody likes you here. Do as they say and don't show off!


Oh, my gosh! I'm just a "baller" myself, but that's it! The guy's a virtuoso! Very positive, thank you!


From the internet :)

It was the '80s. Coming home from work. I remembered that my wife asked me to pick up her alarm clock. I went and got it. Then I remembered that there were no matches at home: I went to a shop and saw that there were no small boxes, only large (1000 pcs.) money-boxes. But when I get home, a guy comes up to me and says:
- "Do you have a light?
I take out a huge box and the man smiles and lights up.
He takes a drag and asks:
- "Can you tell me the time?
And then I take out the alarm clock!!!


A friend was driving and was 'snapped' by an offence camera. He didn't get it! The speed limit was 60 km per hour! He turned around, slowed down and drove past again. Again he was being photographed! He drove another six times, got down to 20 km. per hour. A week later he gets 7 tickets for not wearing his seatbelt!


Three questions. Another - how do you get back?


Three questions. Another - how do you get back?

It's definitely a problem with cats, when they climb up I just don't think how they'll get down afterwards :)

The amusement of the villagers.



/ It's worth putting in. granit77 /

Why did you take your trousers off?