[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 139


from the LiveJournal:


LLeo Nokia

Corrected. I was just posting from Vnukovo airport with my mobile phone and finishing up. I'm flying, sorry, to Pisa in 20 minutes.



О! Leonid, while we're at it, I have a small and not at all burdensome request.
Could you take a picture of some very fat person there, a local one at that (well, or looking like a local).
The thing is, I've always wanted to see a picture that was really a Total Fuckup.



The ducks are adorable!

A fitting musical accompaniment to the ducks. Also a lovely, mesmerising, touching tune in the "original" - the very original performance.

Carry On Till Tomorrow (- Badfinger)




Get an urgent issue

We managed to get the opinion of investor Niroba, after a seminar in which, for just $500, the Great Guru narrated his trading tactics


I can't, I'm going to burst, I ran to tell you.
Just now.
Auchan shop.
I am standing there, rummaging through kitchen linens. Behind me is a big iron basket. In the basket - hats, caps, panama hats.
By the basket is my mother and a boy about 10-11 years old. On the other side of the basket is a grandpa. Very decent, but extremely decrepit.
The boy grabs from the basket a huge scarlet hat with wide brim and a poppy on the side. He puts it on in excitement and yells:
- Mama, mama, look at my hat!
- What are you doing?! - Mama yells, "What are you doing, grabbing a woman's hat?! Are you an idiot?! What are you, a woman?! You should have put on a woman's underwear too! Why are you grabbing women's stuff like a faggot?! Wear a bra too! Go on, go on, try on the bra!

I'm burying myself in a Kleenex: "None of your business, shut up, stupid, wait for your grandchildren and bring them up!"

Suddenly the decrepit grandfather...
With an inexpressibly-anecdotal "Odessa" accent, gracelessly and assisted by gestures:

- Taki madam, you are already instructing the boy in vain! Having had such a paragon of a woman around since childhood, your boy will easily become a pederast without any further instruction!

Silent scene.
Me, peeling off the covers:
- Grandpa, may I kiss you on the cheek?
- Any time," says Grandpa.

I kiss my grandfather on his parchment cheek, smelling of vintage cologne, and leave the battlefield.

As they say, no comment...
xxx: hi. you know, lately I've been noticing that our relationship has dried up, you've been spending too much time on the computer instead of me. we need to break up.
yyy: +1