Anti-MQL5 wishes

What don't I want to see in MQL5? I don't want to see classes, I don't want to widen the functionality, I don't want to see more features and complicate the EA creation process.

The impossibility to use MT for CFD although it is declared, pushed me to search for alternatives. This impossibility is mostly organizational, but there are some technical difficulties, too. I don't know who trade on MT platform and those who are known, are mostly small kitchens, which, as it seems to me, are simply not allowed on the stock exchanges. So it turned out that there are alternatives. Automated forex and CFD trading. I will not say about forex, but prices on CFD are not filtered at all. The programming language is primitive, but it develops. At the same time it is simple, generally simple, i.e. maximum trader friendly. If you need to buy, just buy(amount) and that's it, no troubles. It is friendly to the trader, not to the programmer! The one who pays the money, i.e. the market leader. The testing on the history is also present. There is no unlimited demo access, one month for free, and then open an account. And the account is far from mini. The real account comes with an unlimited demo. That language is still too primitive, didn't suit me, as my idea requires a bit more. However, the trend is there.

MS-DOS wasn't the best operating system of its time, but there it is. MT is a great platform, just super, the other platforms I've seen don't even come close... And how many good operating systems have gone into oblivion without finding a mass consumer? The way I see it, MT runs the risk of forever remaining a small niche product for micro-lot casinos. Vicious circle of poverty: penny accounts - endless demos for highbrow programmers - penny income for dealer - same penny payments to methaquotes for their server. All that remains is to build up the functionality and be immensely proud of it. How many times has this happened with other products? "History only teaches you that history teaches no one anything"

Tell me someone I'm wrong and that MQ is in talks with normal companies/ banks or even already in the process of adapting their product to their needs...

Having trouble driving a car? Buy a scooter and sleep well...


Having trouble driving a car? Buy a scooter and sleep well...

You see, my clever friend, I manage my own investment account. I pay more in transaction fees alone than you make, so keep your advice to yourself.
I don't get it at all. Starts for health, ends for peace...
Seconded. I don't want any classes or any trace of commercial programming in MT either.
I don't want to increase the level of the language because of the stress I got while programming in MT,
It's stress from senselessness of errors and omissions in MQL-4.
MT-4 is a natural beta version now.
Why build up the beta, let it start working properly and fully first.

You see, my clever friend, I manage my own investment account. I pay more in transaction fees alone than you earn, so keep your advice to yourself.

Well, take some time off and use the saved commission to hire a staff of developers and have them design a trading platform to your liking. And then sell it to banks and normal companies as much as you can.

On the merits: the official position has already been voiced once in one of the forum threads. The MT developers acknowledged that the development of a programming language for traders - is a dead end for a large number of obvious reasons. Therefore, the direction of work on MQL5 characteristically reflects this fact. And both programmers and traders will benefit from it. The programmers will benefit, because they will get a full-fledged development environment. Traders will win, because the programmers will have much more opportunities to realize the traders' desires in a normal way, rather than through the back door.
What's wrong with all of you? Don't you get it? You've got your brains all fucked up with cycles? timbo, you're using the literary device of "I scold what I dream, and hope it comes true".
Seconded. I don't want any classes or any trace of commercial programming in MT either.
I don't want to increase the level of the language because of the stress I got while programming in MT,
It's stress from senselessness of errors and omissions in MQL-4.
MT-4 is a natural beta version now.
Why build up the beta, let it start working properly and fully first.

Firstly: Where are the facts? What MQL-4 bugs and incompleteness are we talking about?

Secondly: there is a clear gap in knowledge about classes and other aspects of programming that does not in any way exclude/inhibit development using procedural programming. Don't like classes? Who's forcing you to use them?

I have a long experience of developing various software, but for some reason I don't experience any problems or stress when working with MQL4. However, I can clearly see how much more efficient I would be working in this language, if it supported classes.

to bstone

1. Have a look in the neighbouring thread 'Some more graphics',
The forum has accumulated a stratigraphy of layers of descriptions of such edgeware.
2. From your vast experience with various software and lack of fear of classes, it follows that,
You haven't got acquainted, for instance, with addressing and passing parameters in MQL-4, and this, you'll agree, is kindergarten.


Tell me someone I'm wrong and that MQ is in talks with normal companies/banks or even already in the process of adapting its product to their needs...

Gain Capital - already quietly working, FXCM - launching MT4 soon.

In MQL there are really few possibilities for traders (not programmers) to describe their "primitive" tasks.

But this is not due to the complexity of the language, but to the lack of trivial macros:

- ready-made macros for non-programmers gathered from functions for programmers (for example as described by timbo - "if you want to buy, just buy(amount) and that's all, no troubles. ")

+ (This was described earlier on the forum and is supposed to be implemented in MQL5).

Excel may serve as an example, both a regular user and a programmer may work in it.