Wishes for MQL5 - page 72


All this fuss about the notorious m-q-el5 reminds me of these lines:

— Вы умеете рисовать? Очень жаль. Я, к сожалению, тоже не умею. ...

Великий комбинатор, обжигая босые ступни о верхнюю палубу, ходил вокруг длинной узкой полосы кумача, малюя на ней лозунг, 
с текстом которого он поминутно сверялся по бумажке:

«Все — на тираж! Каждый трудящийся должен иметь в кармане облигацию госзайма».

Великий комбинатор очень старался, но отсутствие способностей все-таки сказывалось. Надпись поползла вниз, и кусок кумача, 
казалось, был испорчен безнадежно. Тогда Остап, с помощью мальчика Кисы перевернул дорожку наизнанку и снова принялся малевать. 
Теперь он стал осторожнее. Прежде чем наляпывать буквы, он отбил вымеленной веревочкой две параллельных линии и, тихо ругая 
неповинного Воробьянинова, приступил к изображению слов.

Ипполит Матвеевич добросовестно выполнял обязанности мальчика. Он сбегал вниз за горячей водой, растапливал клей, чихая, 
сыпал в ведерко краски и угодливо заглядывал в глаза взыскательного художника. Готовый и высушенный лозунг концессионеры снесли
вниз и прикрепили к борту.

Толстячок, нанявший Остапа, сбежал на берег и оттуда смотрел работу нового художника. Буквы лозунга были разной толщины и несколько
скошены в стороны. Выхода, однако, не было — приходилось довольствоваться и этим.

I really need to edit comments (...., string
comment=NULL,....) of already opened orders.
Why this option has not been implemented?
Are there any plans to implement such a feature?
I need to store information about a trade. It is not good for me to store
it is not good enough for me to store it in a text file. I need to store deal information on
on my brokerage company's server. And I need to be able to access it
from any computer, at any time. I have to open a pending
an order with the same "slow" as a non-preferred order and put
I have to open an order with the same "slowji" and write in its comments what I want. And when I need to change a comment, I deleted a pending order from the server and open a new one.
I delete a pending order from the server and open a new one with changed comments.
I think we have a better way of keeping the information about the order without following such a wild scheme.
I think it would be better to store information about the order and not to use such a wild scheme. But I do not see any other possibilities for
for me. Maybe you can see?
  • Multidimensional arrays, with possibility to set and change number of dimensions, and to change size of each dimension,
    otherwise we have to fiddle with pseudo-dimensional.
  • Ability to generate a variable, including an array, of any type in the code, e.g. CreateDouble( StringContatenate("varname",N), 0.92832 );
  • Ability to work with variables by reference to the variable name, for example GetVar("stringContatenate("varname",N), REQUEST_CODE_XXX);
    generally, the set of functions is the same as when working with global functions of the terminal.
  • Return of several values from function (it may be unnecessary, but still it would be convenient and universal)
  • Ability to create programmatically custom functions, e.g.
    void CreateFunction(string Type="Double",string Name="CustomFunction1",string Content="{ int C; C=a*b; Return(C); }", string argum1, .....string argum256 );
    this function creates a custom function CustomFunction1(), and then it can be applied in the same code.
    This feature will allow to realize genetic programming (this is when script writes itself, adjusting algorithms to the specific task)
  • Or at least the ability to Insert the specified include:
  • That's all for now, thank you for all those awesome features we already have.

When will there be an MT5 beta release?

I would really like to see the log filled in order when imaging at speed 32

currently the log is filled in order at speed 2-3, but at speed 32 all the entries are mixed up


1. As for the buttons - it would be nice to add another panel with buttons (and direct access) controlling the operation of User Indicators and Advisors (what is set in them with "extern bool/int/ ..."), otherwise people get twisted by creating some rectangles on the screen, making them un/selected (and not everyone can do that).


The same as bool has true/false substrings in the Input Parameters window, selectable on mouse click - I would like to have something similar, but with potentially more options (and set in user script).

For example, when pressing "Mode" (either/or):

- Use_RSI

- Use_Stochastic

- Use_MACD

- ...

If we could add software that would correct bad data, i.e. delete it or correct it, there is a constant discrepancy in volumes and hi-jacks, lowes on different timeframes, which leads to tester errors.


1. when testing, sometimes you want to be able to go back a few bars and go through the "interesting place" again. how to do this without restarting the tester ? so, there is a key F12, let there be a step-by-step reversal when testing

2. where can i see the name of the template used? when saving a template, why don't i save it as the default name of the template used? otherwise i have to remember or write it down. there is a table for the current profile name, why not for the template name?

Thank you for your feedback.

nav_soft >> :
When is the MT5 beta release coming?

When will the MT5 alpha be released?

kenn123 >> :


1. when testing, sometimes you want to be able to go back a few bars and go through the "interesting place" again. how to do this without restarting the tester ? so, there is a key F12, let there be a step-by-step reversal when testing

2. where can i see the name of the template used? when saving a template, why don't i save it as the default name of the template used? otherwise i have to remember or write it down. there is a table for the current profile name, why not for the template name?

thanks for your feedback.

there is one unpleasant feature of the terminal:
when saving a template, the name entered is converted to lower case! In order for the template name to correspond with the EA name, for example, "exp_Based_MACD", we have to manually rename it after saving, or use all names in lower case - "exp_based_macd", which does not allow to observe usual abbreviations of indicators like RSI.