Equity and balance graph - page 32

I already wrote above about how to avoid all this hassle, you just need to modify the indicator, which I posted above, so it would stick not only to the price chart, but also to the indicators themselves.
FOXXXi, such a twist is impossible to implement, unfortunately.
Xupypr >>:
FOXXXi, такой выкрутас невозможно реализовать, к сожалению.

You don't need to write new levels every time, you can quickly move them on the indicator itself.

alexx_v писал(а) >>

Of course you have to reset after you leave, otherwise what's the point of a "silent" alert? :) it does not do much good online then, but I would like to :)

What is the value? the same 0.1% and mark it with a fanfare, to be immediately recognizable by ear :-R

I've thought about it, examined the code with respect to modernization and came to the conclusion that nothing needs to be changed.

What is the sense in moving out of the alert zone? It is not yet getting out of a drawdown. When the profit level exceeds the previous one, that will do it then.

I therefore believe that equity will silently move within the corridor between 0 and the maximal drawdown value.

We already know this corridor (the diagonal line) and it is most probably considered as acceptable if the red zone has not been reached.

If we do it the way you suggest, then there will be a mess near the limit of alert and this corridor will not be visible, because the trend line will be shifted to this limit.

FOXXXi писал(а) >>

What do you mean, a twist? On the contrary, it's convenient. You don't have to write new levels every time, you can move them quickly on the indicator itself.

I will think of something. Either through global variables or through names of objects.

Xupypr >> :

What is the point of us exiting the alert zone? It's not an exit from a drawdown yet.

I dare to suggest, that any position is in drawdown 99,99% of time :) except for momentary, short-term moments, when price from point to point is crawling in one direction, without a break ;) otherwise it is in drawdown immediately ;)

When the profit level exceeds the previous one, then yes.

What would be a sufficient excess for us to forget about the past corridor and focus on the new one? 1 pip? 10? 100? ;)


Yeah you're basically right, no need to change the code.

If we want the indicator to signal from a certain level, we should set the maximal drawdown to this mark and that is all.

(The alert line will work once and then for decor :) )

In this case the indicator will signal? Or just on exceeding the fixed maximum drawdown by 0,1%?

alexx_v писал(а) >>

I dare say any position is in drawdown 99,99% of the time :) except for the moments, short-lived, when the price from point to point is crawling in one direction, without a break ;) otherwise - immediately in the drawdown ;)

Well, in general, yes - so it is :) But such drawdowns (units, tenths of percent, to each his own) do not interest us and do not confuse.

What will be enough of an excess for us to forget about the last corridor and focus on the new one? 1 pip? 10? 100? ;)

Not pips, but units of money, e.g. 1 kopeck. Any excess is the start of a new corridor.

(An alert line will be triggered once and then it will be there for decoration :) )

In that case it will trigger the alarm, won't it? Or will it be only when the maximal drawdown is exceeded by 0.1%?

On the first crossing of the alert line and thereafter on exceeding the recorded maximum drawdown by 0.1%

Went above 3%, deleted max drawdown line :))

Will there be new alerts or are max drawdown readings fixed somewhere? :)


..will not, all moves are recorded :))


Naturally fixed in internal variables:)

Alerts won't go up again.


Yeah, the office writes:)


Is it possible to combine a script that draws lines with a script that uploads minutiae? in the Equity Virtual indicator like 's-Downloader.mq4'