Equity and balance graph - page 22


I looked through the code again and found nothing wrong. This situation as you described could not happen.

The comment was copied into the name of the instrument provided that the type of operation is greater than 5 (6 is accrual/withdrawal and 7 is credit).

Then the code:

if ( Type[ j]>5) //если тип операции болше 5-ти, то рисуем линию
 CurrentBalance+= Profit[ j];
 objectname=StringConcatenate("Time: ",TimeToStr(Time[ i]));
 if (ObjectFind( objectname)==-1) ObjectCreate( objectname,OBJ_VLINE, Window,Time[ i],0);
 ObjectSetText( objectname,StringConcatenate( Instrument[ j],": ",DoubleToStr( Profit[ j],2)));
 ObjectSet( objectname, OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[ i]);
 ObjectSet( objectname, OBJPROP_COLOR,OrangeRed);
 ObjectSet( objectname, OBJPROP_WIDTH,2);
 continue; // переход к новой итерации!!! цикл for
if (MarketInfo( Instrument[ j],MODE_POINT)==0)
 if (StringFind( minfosymbols, Instrument[ j])==-1)
  Alert("В обзоре рынка не хватает "+ Instrument[ j]);
  minfosymbols=StringConcatenate( minfosymbols," ", Instrument[ j]);

I'm sorry, but I can't understand how this could happen:(

By the way, is the line for credit drawn?


By the way, is the line for credit drawn?

That's the word! It's drawn on every bar instead of candles! :)

This is Equity_v8_1 with Only_Current = True...

That's a bummer. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow.
Xupypr >> :
>> It's a bitch. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow.

>> Thank you! >> I really hope so.


Good day to all!

I have noticed that when I deinitialize the indicator all the graphical objects on the chart are deleted.

I don't like the fact that I have faced this bug when working with AutoGraf (all orders have been closed because all of the control lines have been deleted when switching times.

lines were deleted when switching from time to time).

DonPic писал(а) >>

When the indicator is deinitialised, all graphical objects on the chart are deleted.

Please indicate with which parameters this happened. There must be errors in the logbook. I have not been able to reproduce this glitch.

Apparently the window index was -1. The indicator doesn't check for this error on deinitialisation.

I'll make a safeguard - just in case.

Xupypr >> :

Please specify with which parameters this happened. There must be errors in the logbook. I could not reproduce this glitch.

Apparently the window index was -1. The indicator doesn't check for this error on deinitialisation.

I will make a protection - just in case.

I tried it and did it again. I put the indicator on, closed the terminal, then when I opened the terminal again, the chart was deleted. There seems to be no errors in the logbook.

Batman писал(а) >>

That's the word! It's drawn on every bar instead of candles! :)

This is Equity_v8_1 with Only_Current = True...

How do the latest versions behave, e.g. Equity_v8alert ? Is it like that for everybody? I can't reproduce it myself, I've never faced with credits :)

I have never had any trouble with credits.

DonPic wrote >>.

I tried it and did it again. I have tried it and closed it, but when I reopened it the chart disappeared. I have not found any error in log.

I fixed it. I will post it here later when I will have sorted out the previous bug. In brief, the line:

move to the beginning of start()
Xupypr >> :

......present at the beginning of the start() function

Thank you.