NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 33


I want to break your statistics (or make a correction).You wrote that random people - go away in a week ... By the dates of my first post in this thread - has already passed two ... It's time for me to go back "in the mud" - before they gobble.Especially - all the questions asked - have been answered. Good luck to all of you, gentlemen.

From father to son, who is rich and who is in want?

Some follow God, some from God, following a wandering star,

In vain - by the word red, we do our deeds,

In vain, in clear flame, for the salvation of the soul,

Maybe someone, I don't know, has grasped the meaning of all things differently,

And maybe a different truth will reconcile all, and forgive all,

Let our patience endure till the end of time,

Let our faces be remembered at the last shores,

"And let our faces be remembered on these final shores.

There is, somewhere, a road

From love to love...


I want to break your statistics (or make a correction).You wrote that random people - go away in a week ... By the dates of my first post in this thread - has already passed two ... It's time for me to go back "in the mud" - before they gobble.Especially - all the questions asked - have been answered. Good luck to all, gentlemen.

Oh, why are you so quickly, it seems no one has seen you off, a random person often gives a lot more than takes away, because he forgets to do it, do not forget about it:). Therefore, hopefully we will not say goodbye, and say goodbye directly, good luck is where the date:)

Mrs Ballistika, who told you that you are a random person? You have been very well received here on the whole. However, if you have any hard feelings about certain outbursts (or just a spirit of contradiction), it's up to you whether to leave or not... But personally, I thought that you are a person who is quite sober about such excesses.


Mrs Ballistika, who told you that you are a random person? You have been very well received here on the whole. However, if you have any hard feelings about certain outbursts (or just a spirit of contradiction), it's up to you whether to leave or not... But personally, I thought that you are a person who is quite sober about such excesses.

By the way, yes, it's logical :) After all, that statement did not apply to you, although everything can be, but it all depends on your wishes and our, of course, can be, attention, women we have a rare phenomenon, especially such, one might even say endangered, so let's keep the population, not only intelligent men, but also intelligent women:)

There is an expression "Why do you kill yourself like that... You won't kill yourself like that". I have said goodbye a couple of times already - but I still cannot go.

I often have so many things I want to say... But then I wonder if I really need to.

Looking at the topics of the forum and posts and I think - This is the real driving force of our society. People think of everything themselves and educate themselves, and it is a way of life for them. At all times in problematic situations all problems were solved with brains, not brute force.

After all, people often write online (not here) with grammatical errors. In Russian - and even that they do not speak fluent. It's too bad that intelligent people can only communicate online. Thank God - they invented the Internet. But humanity has long been distorted in the head, both Americans and Russians have reversed the criteria of human values.

Who do they make movies about? The Mafia, the FBI - and other officials... And here - the heroes of our time - "BRIGADE" and "Gangster St. Petersburg. "

These "heroes" only destroy - and create and remain in the shadows - just smart people. But they - "not cool". And in our countries (post-Soviet) and even poor.So we are here (however - sorry, because I'm smoothly attributed to the smart) need not hammer each other, and drag and support (even morally).And I do not agree with the comparison of me with those who only took it from here.It seems to me - and I shared a little method of trade.It's no longer my question that you have no time to review it.Let all here - all will be well.

So - no hard feelings.Just really - need to take a break. I in my current life I do not say as much as I write here.On a mobile phone if a month will run for 30 minutes - it's normal.Just in life and in person have nothing to say - no interlocutors.And those who have something to say - or themselves plow, or during a pause just want to be in silence ... So claims from me - no.


Often - there's a lot I want to say... And then I think - do I need to? And not in the sense that I won't find understanding, but in the sense that why burden others with my thoughts?

Of course you do. Personally I am very interested in your thoughts. I understand you. I agree with much of what you have said here

About the enemy being inside us (not in front of you)... I didn't want to bring it up THERE, but I disagree with you. You present theoretical philosophical approach.This idea can be pushed in lecture halls to young students.But in real life, it does not roll.Here PRIVAL how things tried to explain the difference between counter-strike and war (this). He said - that you can not get out of the war on its simple will.

Angela, I told you once before that you are at war with yourself, but you never heard me. Those few words I highlighted in red in your post are enough to know that this is indeed the case. And that is why you have turned my completely neutral and positive statement into the exact opposite. You understand and interpret it in an extremely narrow and aggressive sense, while I meant quite the opposite.

I can assure you, Angela, inside us is our true self. Nothing else ! If you are at war with your Self, it is the enemy for you. You can write it in big letters. You can even write it on your forehead. But, believe me, it is so far from everyone. And thank God, otherwise humanity would no longer exist.

And all that you write further is only a consequence of your permanent state of war, all these "push", "no go" and so on. Of course, you don't know the other state, that's why it seems like a theoretical approach to you. In fact it is a very practical question of real life! Especially for you. Since you cannot win the whole world and you cannot get out of the war, there is only one end to this war of yours that is fatal for you. That is the result of your "philosophy".

For me, any war can be ended. You can't always get out of a war, but you can always stop it. All it takes is desire, time, a head on your shoulders and spiritual determination (NB: determination, not decisiveness. How great the Russian language is for expressing such nuances!) Even real wars have come to an end. Sometimes, though, only after the morons who thought that the war must go on till the end, and the normal ones, even the dumbest ones, began to understand that war is bad. And to get out of a war with yourself is not only possible, but necessary! Otherwise you will win or, on the contrary, lose ! :-))

The way you put my words on forex, I leave them without comment, there are no words. But that's just your dissenting opinion.


By the way, you still haven't answered Kirk Pirr is an ideal or not. I want to ask another question: is a real woman Kirk Pirr in a skirt or is war only for men ?


The main thing is not who is in front of you, no matter if it's a forex, a human, a tiger or a tyrannosaur,the main thing is who is inside you. It's him who smiles, grins, loves or hates. And everything in his life depends on it.

Categorically agree. I keep trying to make that point, success is variable ;)

It can only be perceived by someone who is already ready, who already has this understanding inside him/herself. We didn't understand it right away either, it was a lot of work, not a shortcut. For example,xnsnet wrote:

P.S.: I believe that the world is saved by those who think of others as much as they can think of themselves:) And I try to follow this rule myself:)

This is already a step, but only one. It is a necessary condition, but not sufficient. After all, if a person thinks badly of himself (e.g. as an enemy, an opponent), one can imagine what he will think of others. And what he will do to those others after that. Nooooo, such a person will hardly save the world, rather he will destroy it. And the thought of that is already a motive for further pursuit.


If the war does not stop, then there is no benefit from it, prolonging the war, although in some cases it is useful, but by and large it does not solve anything, devastation should be replaced by rapid recovery, development, if not, there is no point, perhaps evolution will force us to abandon the large-scale and catastrophic wars, but not the small and widespread:) Wars are usually prolonged by those who benefit from it, but the benefits of war are harder and harder to get over time, evolution. There is no war for ideals, war is always materalistic, and ideals are necessary for patriots, being a patriot is not bad, but it usually hides a hidden meaning, it's like being blind. So for all the patriotism, you have to be clearly aware of what lurks at the root.

For instance I wage war on the side of technologies and innovations, not always successfully and not always as it should be, but I do it not because I am a patriot, although to achieve the final goal it is necessary to engage the blind, nevertheless I do not wage closed wars because there is no sense in hiding the sense (the root), very few people get to it and those who get to it may themselves be of the same opinion. As an example. We may underestimate or overestimate but there is always a value and there is always a point, even if it does not manifest the way it was intended.

For instance a war between two people, a banal negative perception with or without physical damage, due to some circumstances, is also a kind of war and the war is destined to end sooner or later, maybe after a decade, but the result is the same, the end justifies the means. However, the result may be ambiguous, for instance, the one who started the war may finally admit that he was wrong. This is how history is written and therefore, to wage war intelligently, you need to know history well and predict the consequences.

P.S.: Everyone here is waging war, and those who are not, usually the led, sometimes blind sometimes sighted, but the essence of it does not change:) Any company (firm), it is at least a detachment to wage war, to strengthen their positions, etc. So war is no more or less than a part of life.

If you watch the National Geographic channel, there is a programme about animals, where the life of animals, predators is presented from the side of war, fighting, because that's how the author of this programme sees it, not to be confused with National Geographic Wild, presented exactly the way we see war in hotspots:)

So, speaking of which...