Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 19

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Ridiculous. I haven't given myself any definitions here. You're the ones doing the regular and steady reconnaissance here - So, am I still among the losers? Yes! I'm still among the losers. Because with your definition of reality, you can't be anywhere but among the losers. Yes! You're among the losers!

Actually yes, there could be many more interesting people, but there's a lot of them who think they are just like everyone else, and everyone else is just like them, and they can put their hand on everyone's shoulder.

Of course it's funny that you don't understand. And now, you belittle yourself and try to belittle the community. If you think that there should be more interesting people, then be interesting. I'm not disturbing you in any way. Describe your thoughts, ideas, thoughts tell, enter into arguments, comment. And I can assure you, you have no idea about my view of reality. So use your own and be kinder or something! You have poured out venom and you do not know whether to rejoice or to cry.

Alexey Busygin:

Of course it's funny that you don't get it. And now, you're belittling yourself and trying to belittle the community. If you think there should be more interesting people, then be interesting. I'm not disturbing you in any way. Describe your thoughts, ideas, thoughts tell, enter into arguments, comment. And I can assure you, you have no idea about my view of reality. So use your own and be kinder or something! You have poured out venom and you do not know whether to rejoice or to cry.

Me? You are dreaming. The community has shown itself here.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Me? You're dreaming. The community has shown itself here.
If you belong to a community and you're comparing that community to something. That's probably what you are.
Alexey Busygin:
If you belong to a community and you are comparing that community to something. You're probably that something.
Have you read any philosophical books or taken a course in practical psychology for all?