Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 12

Alexey Busygin:
if the computer plays instead of me, you'll lose.
No. Because he has a computer too.
Andrey Dik:
No. Because he has a computer too.
It's not about the computer, it's about logic. White either wins or draws, because with two pieces, running around the field, can take indefinitely.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
For some reason nobody has mentioned NP-complete problems. Well, there are many such problems, and for none of them is there any effective way of solving them. Any 10x, 100x, 1000x increase in computer performance is useless in effectively finding solutions to these problems. This is one of the fundamental problems of mathematics, but not of silicon crystal engineering. From this point of view, the proposed topic in general seems senseless and the problem sucked out of thin air.
You contradict yourself. Silicon technology is almost exhausted in terms of increasing productivity. The 3rd industrial revolution is over, which is exactly what I'm talking about. Silicon computers have failed not only to solve NP-hard problems but also to simulate quantum systems or create artificial intelligence. Far beyond the solar system they have not yet flown. We do not hear from aliens because we use technology that is obsolete for them - electromagnetic waves propagating at the speed of light, which is slow for the universe. We need a new industrial revolution with fundamentally new technology. I have already mentioned the quantum computer. This is exactly the one that can solve the NP-hard problem even very easily and quickly. Governments are very interested in it ... to crack the codes of other governments. Nuclear power has to be replaced by something new. There has to be a new type of engine. Most likely new discoveries will come from quantum mechanics not without the help of the Large Hadron Collider and quantum computers. While we wait for these miracle discoveries, the world economy goes into crisis. A world war is also quite possible. Look at the distribution of power: Russia and China on one side, the U.S. and Europe on the other. The conflict in the South China Sea and other . I will not mention it.
The only problem is that the computer manufacturers are stopping their sales pipeline. It is no longer possible to motivate computer users to upgrade every year. Bada!
... A world war is also a possibility...

Wow, what predictions. For your own sake, give a prediction on events like this. What are you doing in the meantime? Are you sitting in a clean office with someone out there running and fighting? Is that why we are so bold to hand out such predictions?

Collider to hell with.


Well whatever computer you give people, they won't solve their problems.

Maybe we are - artificial intelligence? - The limit of Moore's law.
Alexander Laur:

The world economy is not going into crisis because Moore's Law has run out of steam. The main reason is DOLLARS. And so far no one has offered an effective solution to this problem.

War is one way out of the crisis, but .... At this stage of the arms development, in a global conflict it is not about someone's victory, but about the threat to the existence of the planet Earth. And no one knows what to do, and you Moore's law, Moore's law. :)

Ahaha, another one with a solution to problems through war. When you write about war, I strongly suggest you imagine yourself sitting in a foxhole knee-deep in mud, sand at your collar, shit in your trousers and to complete the picture you have a machine gun in your hands and blood from a concussion in your ears. There's your solution to the problem. Imagine more often like that, maybe you'll wise up.

And what debts? Who suddenly owes what to whom?


Mankind is up to its ears in the virtual world.

Communication on the internet is replacing natural communication. The lines between lives on both sides of the screen are being erased. It is no longer enough to just play computer games. They're getting into real life. Pokémon are being caught in the streets of real cities.

More and more often you don't see people's faces, just the tops of their heads looking into their devices. What will double every year is internet traffic. We sink deeper and deeper into the virtual world, until we disappear in the virtual world and leave no proof of our existence to the civilizations that have come before us. As it happened to the civilizations that inhabited our planet in the past.

Alexander Laur:
I am not going to spell out what is written. If you don't have the traction to understand what it says, you shouldn't comment.
It's not you who should be arguing here about whether someone has traction.
Alexander Laur:

On Pokémon, I came across some interesting information:

This is how they decided to digitise cities, for example, they have gaps of some space, whoever captures that gap will see the pokemon.

Remember, google was digitising streets, special cars were driving around and filming and scanning. Then there was public outcry and they stopped their activities. Now they are just coming in from the other side