Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 13

It's all been taken by satellite for a long time now. Notice in google-oze how clearly the US territory is shown, and how murky all the other territories are.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It's all been taken by satellite for a long time now. Notice in google-o-zy how clearly the US territory is shown, and how murky all the other territories are.
From the satellite you can only capture from above, and for 3D accuracy you have to capture from both sides
Alexey Busygin:
From the satellite you can only take pictures from above, and for 3D accuracy you need to take pictures from both sides
You can also do it from the side on the satellite
I have already mentioned the quantum computer. This is exactly the one that can solve the NP-hard problem even very easily and quickly. Governments are very interested in it... to break other governments' codes.
It can't easily and quickly. In light of cryptocurrency development there has been a lot of talk about the resistance of crypto algorithms to hacking with a quantum comp.
Alexander Laur:

On Pokémon, I came across some interesting information:

face )

What many people probably don't realise is that the world economy depends on the ability of microprocessor manufacturers to increase their capacity by 50% every two years.

So starting around 2021-2022, computers and cell phones will stop increasing the performance of their processors. It will not make sense for people to buy a new computer, iPad or selfphone if their processor has the same power as the old generation of these devices. The sale of new devices will drop. Because these devices affect many industries, experts predict a worldwide recession.

f We are not in the industrial era, when economic growth was measured in tonnes of iron, or in the post-industrial era, but in a different time by different names.

A recent example. The capitalization of Japan's Nintendo after the launch of Pokemon has risen to $38 billion, which compares with arms exports from the US ($37 billion in 2014).

This chart shows that the share of manufacturing companies is minuscule. I agree that the progress in industries is due to the development of the IT industry. It is the development of software and application technology. A slowdown in the performance of individual instances of "hardware" is unlikely to lead to a recession. "Pokémon don't need supercomputers."

Yuri Evseenkov:

f We do not live in the industrial era, when economic growth was measured in tonnes of iron, nor do we live in the post-industrial era, it is now a different era, variously called.

A recent example. The capitalization of Japan's Nintendo after the launch of Pokemon has risen to $38 billion, which compares with arms exports from the US ($37 billion in 2014).

This chart shows that the share of manufacturing companies is minuscule. I agree that the progress in industries is due to the development of the IT industry. It is the development of software and application technology. A slowdown in the performance of individual instances of "hardware" is unlikely to lead to a recession. "Pokémon don't need supercomputers."

Just a great picture to fool everyone and everything.

Let's take three rectangles out of the picture: oil and gas, energy, manufacturing.

And now answer the question: will all the other squares exist as such?

The answer is obvious: no they will not, not at all.

This was all very well observed during the Great Depression (1929). All those duped rich people who bought stocks with loans and then pawned those stocks to take out new loans with which they bought stocks again.... And in 1929 it became clear exactly one reason: all the numbers in the squares are the opinion of the crowd, very skilfully fuelled by the various ciendpies and muda's out there. OPINION.

1. Suppose we do this: ban bank interest - money is no longer a commodity. After all, it is a Protestant invention from around 500 years ago. Before that, there was the despised caste of usurers. Banning banking interest and introducing Islamic banking legislation. Will the world collapse? Doubtful. Qualitatively it will clean up.

2. And now for the second holy cow: telecoms. We look at the sandpaper index and see, oh horror, a threefold swing! Has anyone noticed?

3. The same list could easily include pharmaceuticals with their swine and bird flu.

So detailed because I am of the opinion of those people who believe that a purge of "crowd opinion" is about to begin and the first to go down in tatters will be the financial sector.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Just a great picture to fool everyone and everything.

Let's take three rectangles out of the picture: oil and gas, energy, manufacturing.

And now answer the question: will all the other squares exist as such?

The answer is obvious: no they will not, not at all.

This was all very well observed during the Great Depression (1929). All those duped rich people who bought stocks with loans and then pawned those stocks to take out new loans with which they bought stocks again.... And in 1929 it became clear exactly one reason: all the numbers in the squares are the opinion of the crowd, very skilfully fuelled by the various s&p's and s&p's out there. OPINION.

1. Suppose we do this: ban bank interest - money is no longer a commodity. After all, it is a Protestant invention from around 500 years ago. Before that, there was the despised caste of usurers. Banning banking interest and introducing Islamic banking legislation. Will the world collapse? Doubtful. Qualitatively it will clean up.

2. Now for the second holy cow: telecoms. We look at the sandpaper index and see, oh horror, a threefold swing! Has anyone noticed?

3. The same list could easily include pharmaceuticals with their swine and bird flu.

So detailed because I am of the opinion of those people who believe that a purge of "crowd opinion" is about to begin and the first to go down in tatters will be the financial sector.

Pauper's dreams
Dmitry Fedoseev:
The dreams of a pauper.
Do you mean Trump? Or the people behind him?
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Just a great picture to fool everyone and everything.

Let's take three rectangles out of the picture: oil and gas, energy, manufacturing.

And now answer the question: will all the other squares exist as such?

The answer is obvious: no they will not, not at all.

This was all very well observed during the Great Depression (1929). All those duped rich people who bought stocks for loans, and then pawned those stocks to take out new loans, which they used to buy stocks again.... And in 1929 it became clear exactly one reason: all the numbers in the squares are the opinion of the crowd, very skilfully fuelled by the various s&p's and s&p's out there. OPINION.

1. Suppose we do this: ban bank interest - money is no longer a commodity. After all, it is a Protestant invention from around 500 years ago. Before that, there was the despised caste of usurers. Banning banking interest and introducing Islamic banking legislation. Will the world collapse? Doubtful. Qualitatively it will clean up.

2. Now for the second holy cow: telecoms. We look at the sandpaper index and see, oh horror, a threefold swing! Has anyone noticed?

3. The same list could easily include pharmaceuticals with their swine and bird flu.

So detailed because I am of the opinion of those people who believe that a purge of "crowd opinion" is about to begin and the first to go down in tatters will be the financial sector.

I have a feeling that without the internet everything will start to collapse altogether. I was on my way to the country, I went to a supermarket and the cash registers were down - the internet connection was lost. I am afraid the water and electricity at the cottage have been cut off for the same reason. Mobile internet was working. So we lived a normal life without electricity, oil, gas and production. There are potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes in the garden... I had to make some kind of adapter to a bicycle generator to charge my laptop. So, I can exist for some time without these sectors, but they will collapse without telecommunications.

As for pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, I think that these sectors will be locomotives. Life expectancy is increasing and people are willing to work hard to earn money for drugs and the next elixirs of youth.