Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 15

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Returning to the topic of the topic of the top starter. One thing I don't understand is why Vladimir equates increase of hardware computing power with demand for computer hardware. Why does the new smartphone necessarily have to be more powerful than the previous one? For example I don't know how many megahertz my CPU has in my smartphone and I don't care about it at all, as well as the vast majority of other users. It is not the speed that is more important these days, but the services and programs provided. Cloud capabilities and other features.


Increasing computing power was required in order to convince users to buy new hardware. When it becomes impossible to increase performance for reasonable money (average cost of home PC - 1000 $), then they will find another, more compelling excuse to upgrade technology users, so does for example already a long time Aple.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Going back to the topic of the topic. One thing I do not understand is why Vladimir equates the increase in computing power of hardware with the demand for computer hardware. Why does the new smartphone necessarily have to be more powerful than the previous one? For example I don't know how many megahertz my CPU has in my smartphone and I don't care about it at all, as well as the vast majority of other users. It is not the speed that is more important these days, but the services and programs provided. Cloud capabilities and other features.

He is the one looking for harmony.

Chips are one thing, opportunities are another.

Yuri Evseenkov:

A flawed analogy comes to mind.

The Chinese Communist Party's "one family, one child" policy, which began in the 1970s and is being phased out this year, has not led to a recession in China. On the contrary, the enormous GDP has increased impressively every year. Why is this so? I think that an only child is getting more in terms of education, health, culture. The backlash has grown from subsequent generations. The Chinese nation has become, shall we say, "smarter".

It is the same with hardware. To make devices more efficient you don't have to produce as many transistors per unit volume as possible. You can improve the software.

Now the possibilities of devices are quite satisfactory for a person in 2D and 3D modes. But if he wants to get on the Internet with all his senses, then yes, some sort of revolution in processors is needed.

Just this measure by China was aimed at encouraging the economy: more children - more consumers - more demand. The economy is driven by supply and demand. China knew that the growth of their economy was slowing, so they decided to remove the restriction on children and devalue their currency to help exports.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

)) Start with deep learning and recurrent neural network queries and work your way up.

It always amazes me when a nerd with little to no knowledge of the field tries to prove something to me using google.

Oh yes, not msqrd but prisma of course
Alexander Laur:

About the GO inaccurate. The computer beat the human World Champion this year!

Like a computer... A 1000-processor cluster. The alphago program using neural networks that everyone forgot about.
China's measure was aimed at encouraging the economy: more children - more consumers - more demand. The economy is driven by supply and demand. China knew that their economy was slowing down, so they decided to abolish restrictions on children and devalue their currency to help exports.

What kind of demand drives what kind of economy? The demand for nappies, baby food, toys, the normal demand of normal people? Or the demand of Apple fans standing in the street for weeks waiting for a new gadget along with a Chinese student who sold a kidney to buy an iPhone? And they're not primarily interested in performance, they're interested in features. And online and cloud services dominate. They may as well build a five-storey data centre. The size does not matter.

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Going back to the topic of the topikstarter. One thing I do not understand, why Vladimir equates the increase of hardware computing power with the demand for computer hardware. Why does the new smartphone necessarily have to be more powerful than the previous one? For example I don't know how many megahertz my CPU has in my smartphone and I don't care about it at all, as well as the vast majority of other users. It is not the speed that is more important these days, but the services and programs provided. Cloud capabilities and other features.

It's all individual. I remember when I had a simple mobile phone, without Internet capability, and I didn't understand why people needed smartphones. Why would people need internet on a mobile phone when you come to the office or home, sit at your computer and have everything there: email and the internet. Then I bought my first smartphone and found the internet in the background to be quite useful, so useful that I immediately wanted a new phone with faster internet. Now I have internet in the background as fast as it is at home. I'm not going to buy a new background. I wonder why people are after fast processors in the background. I observe young people playing different games on backgrounds. They probably need one. I have the same story with my computer. I remember when gigahertz increases and then cores, I wanted a new computer every 2 years. For example EA optimization speed depends directly on the number of cores in CPU. But in last 5 years special acceleration and increase of cores has not happened. So my 5 year old computer suits me quite well and so do my colleagues with their old computers. It's the same with tablets. I have an iPad 2, I don't need a new one. So the sale of iron depends on its new features, which are noticeably superior to the old ones for the consumer. If these new features are only related to new software, then I don't need to buy a new computer to upgrade to the new software. Look at the sales of the computers below. They've been dropping since 2007, about the time they froze the gigahertz and computer speeds haven't increased significantly. Intel laid off 12,000 employees from the computer department this year and are now concentrating on smartphones. In 5-6 years they will fire people from smartphone department because the sales of smartphones will start to drop because of market saturation: mobile internet speed is already the same as at home, ap processor will reach its capabilities in speed and cores, the number of new users will start to drop (already half of humanity have a mobile phone).


It's all individual. I remember when I had a simple mobile phone, without Internet capability, and I didn't understand why people needed smartphones. Why would people need internet on a mobile phone when you come to the office or home, sit at your computer and have everything there: email and the internet. Then I bought my first smartphone and found the internet in the background to be quite useful, so useful that I immediately wanted a new phone with faster internet. Now I have internet in the background as fast as it is at home. I'm not going to buy a new background. I wonder why people are after fast processors in the background. I observe young people playing different games on backgrounds. They probably need one. I have the same story with my computer. I remember when gigahertz increases and then cores, I wanted a new computer every 2 years. For example EA optimization speed depends directly on the number of cores in CPU. But in last 5 years special acceleration and increase of cores has not happened. So my 5 year old computer suits me quite well and so do my colleagues with their old computers. It's the same with tablets. I have an iPad 2, I don't need a new one. So the sale of iron depends on its new features, which are noticeably superior to the old ones for the consumer. If these new features are only related to new software, then I don't need to buy a new computer to upgrade to the new software. Look at the sales of the computers below. They've been dropping since 2007, about the time they froze the gigahertz and computer speeds haven't increased significantly. Intel laid off 12,000 employees from the computer department this year and are now concentrating on smartphones. In 5-6 years they will fire people from smartphone department because the sales of smartphones will start to drop because of market saturation: mobile internet speed is already the same as at home, ap processor will reach its capabilities in speed and cores, the number of new users will start to drop (already half of humanity have a mobile phone).

Let's wait and see!

)) Start with deep learning and recurrent neural network queries and work your way up.

It always amuses me when nerds with little or no knowledge in the field try to prove something to me using google.

Yes, I'm a nerd.

But tell me, if you're so smart, why are you still so poor?