Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 16

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Yes, I'm a nerd.

But tell me, if you're so smart, why are you still so poor?

and he's poor, how do you know...

Sixteen pages have been written about nothing, and no one has yet spoken about the problem of battery capacity in modern mobile devices. But this is the most pressing problem of humanity today. It is the heel of the whole mobile segment. Over the years the productivity of devices has increased tenfold, but the vitality of the batteries is still at the prehistoric level. And don't start talking about hydrogen batteries and solar panels. We are talking about battery capacity - it's just not good enough. Cruising range of electric cars is below the mark - 150, 200 km. The only one that stands out among these paltry results is Tesla. But even here we are not talking about a qualitative leap in the technology of electricity storage, but simply about compliance with modern ICE standards.

In general, battery capacity is the Achilles' heel of all modern hightech. Can anyone come up with something cool, with an implementation time of 5-10 years?

Alexander Bereznyak:
and he's poor, how do you know...
Well, if a man slaves from morning till night at work (in his own words), and also asks to finance one project, then the money is clearly not enough. Although it's clear that Combinator makes enough money, because even in Belarus coders earn not enough.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

Sixteen pages have been written about nothing, and no one has yet spoken about the problem of battery capacity in modern mobile devices. But this is the most pressing problem of humanity today. It is the heel of the whole mobile segment. Over the years the productivity of devices has increased tenfold, but the vitality of the batteries is still at the prehistoric level. And don't start talking about hydrogen batteries and solar panels. We are talking about battery capacity - it's just not good enough. Cruising range of electric cars is below the mark - 150, 200 km. The only one that stands out among these paltry results is Tesla. But even here we are not talking about a qualitative leap in the technology of electricity storage, but simply about compliance with modern standards of internal combustion engines.

In general, battery capacity is the Achilles' heel of all modern hightech. Can anyone come up with something cool, with an implementation time of 5-10 years?

The battery has already reached its peak, the only thing possible now is a reduction in device consumption. As for electric cars, development is still possible there, tesla has a self generated generator on NdFeB. Which could replace batteries altogether.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

But tell me, if you are so clever, why are you still so poor?

Who told you I'm poor? )

I guess I agree with the author of the thread.

There are cycles in markets and each cycle triggers a particular industry, once it was the dotcoms, before that it was biotech, cars and more.

Each time another bull market revival came along some new discovery and was the engine of the rally. But, they were never repeated, i.e. the preceding leaders did not resume their explosive growth, but growth occurred in other areas. So in the next rally it will probably not be computers and computer parts (although I did not follow which industries were growing in this rally).

I can assume it will be in biotechnology and space. There is a lot of talk now about increasing longevity and slowing down aging, I guess if something like that comes along it will be quite popular.

Who told you I was poor? )
The rich don't sit here and do nonsense.
Alexey Busygin:
The rich don't sit here and do nonsense.
He is spiritually rich).
It's nice to look at the envy of losers and realise that you haven't been and won't be that way ))
It's nice to look at the envy of losers and realize that you have not been and will not be)).
What makes you think it's envy, just a personal opinion that has been labelled immediately.
For a successful person who has no point in proving something, they do not care about such posts or they just chat without aggression.
And it is your response to this "envy" that speaks for itself, these opinions from outsiders are not unfounded.