Global recession over the end of Moore's Law - page 9

That's good! I heard about this development about 10 years ago, on some science TV show.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

-- I'm leaving too. Mine got wiped down too, so ... so goodbye too.

I really don't get it, who's rubbing out the posts and for what reason? There really wasn't a reason.
If you (this is for everyone) sow ethnic hatred, comments will be deleted along with users (users will go to steam).
Karputov Vladimir:
If you (to everyone) sow ethnic hatred, the comments will be deleted along with the users (users will go to steam).
I can guarantee you that nothing of the sort was even close to happening in my comments. I could prove it if I could see the edit/delete log.
Stanislav Korotky:
I can guarantee there was nothing even close to that in my comments. I could prove it if I could see the edit log.
You don't have to separate yourself into something separate. When a big block is deleted - there's no separation by identity, everything is deleted.
Karputov Vladimir:
You don't need to separate yourself into something separate. When a large block is deleted - there is no separation by personality, everything is deleted.
If you have difficulty moderating adequately, let's discuss it in private.
Instead of deleting every post indiscriminately, they would slap the real instigators, the Russophobes.

I read it myself yesterday. These scientists were using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, this kind of thing:

Now give everyone a hard drive like this to enjoy 62 terabytes of memory on 6cm^2. But seriously, this kind of news is published every day. Scientists love to brag about their achievements, even the most impractical ones. For example a couple of months ago I saw a publication by Harvard scientists who claimed to have encoded the Bible on a single DNA molecule. Microsoft excitedly invested in a start-up promising to build memory technology on DNA molecules. Even if all these technologies prove viable, it will take at least 10 years to put them into production. This is what I was saying about new ideas being born, but late and stagnation and recession cannot be avoided.

It seems to me that the future belongs to quantum computing. Read this. Using quantum superposition, such a computer using only 500 qubits will be able to have as many states as particles in the whole Universe. It is the only computer that can simulate the behaviour of quantum particles and lead to new discoveries in quantum mechanics and with them new forms of energy and engines. But it is still in its infancy. There is a Canadian company called D-Wave that has built a couple of these computers, but the principle is not the same as a classical quantum computer (quantum annealing).


I read it myself yesterday. These scientists were using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, this kind of thing:

People who read a lot get tired of thinking for themselves. (c) Not my idea.))
Nikolay Demko:

Maybe you, as a specialist with 30 years of experience, can't see the forest behind the trees?

The following technology exists and has been around long enough that prototypes have already been developed.

I am talking about the photonic processor.

ZZY I personally read about development of photonics on a laboratory bench 10 years ago.

ZZZY By the way, there are not only logic circuits based on photonics, but also neural network architectures.

Using light to transmit information is not new, it is used in cables. Using it in a chip is pretty new, but too inconvenient since you have to modulate digital information to light, add photodiodes and LEDs, and the fiber itself is much thicker than a metal connection. There are no particular advantages. Photonic transistors and memory do not yet exist, as I understand it. Although there are ideas of using photons as qubits in a quantum computer.