Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 45

Alexandr Saprykin:
To you personally? There's a lot on the internet about what she said...
Didn't read the movie on the internet, her last notes. She says John Chrysostom comes and says you will be the mediator.

Since it is obvious that national monetary units will disappear, one could say that the forex market will cease to exist

However, mankind has not solved, and is unlikely to solve, the problem of a universal measure of value in the foreseeable future.

that is why it is logical to assume that there will be various competing measures, possibly based on certain resources

Resources may include not only scarce mineral resources but also a variety of synthetic units related to the amount of human or machine labour.

forex will disappear as an exchange market for assets in national units, but will continue to exist in new units

but the stock and derivatives market will not disappear

You tell us where the fables come from? So we don't have to guess.
Alexey Busygin:
Didn't read the film shown on the internet, her last notes. She says John Chrysostom comes and says be a mediator.

Another intermediary?

How about this:According to Vanga herself, she owed her powers to some invisible beings whose origins she was unable to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke to the souls of the dead or, in cases where the dead could not give an answer, to some inhuman voice. After each such seance, Vanga would say that "I get sick and then I'm like a wreck all day" and "I lose a lot of energy, I get sick, I stay in despondency for a long time"

Ванга — Википедия
В 1995 году на открытии часовни Святой Параскевы в Рупите Род деятельности: Дата рождения: Место рождения: Гражданство: Дата смерти: Место смерти: Ванга родилась 31 января 1911 года в Струмице на территории современной Республики Македонии в семье земледельцев Панде и Параскевы Сурчевых. Имя было дано согласно болгарскому народному...
Alexey Busygin:
You tell me where the fables are from?

I'm sure from a fantasy utopian book.

Vanga predicted that the currency that has "God" written on its banknotes will reign. And that is the dollar.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Another intermediary?

How about this:According to Vanga herself, she owed her powers to some invisible beings whose origins she was unable to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke to the souls of the dead or, in cases where the dead could not give an answer, to some inhuman voice. After each such seance Vanga said that "I get sick and then I'm like a wreck all day" and "I lose a lot of energy, I get sick, I stay in despondency for a long time".

I don't care about that, I haven't heard Vanga's predictions yet. Only her story of how she became a mediator and that people went to her and asked her questions.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:
Vanga predicted that the currency that has "God" written on its banknotes will reign. And that is the dollar.
There is no such currency yet. The dollar doesn't really seem like it.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Virtually no one even read it , and what was suggested ? !

I will be harsh in my assessment please forgive me if this may offend some delicate (liberal, Black Hundreds, Red, Democratic, White, Yellow, Green) souls.

Listen to the two clips - and all the questions, the moronic speculation, all sorts of finger-picking in your own .... with the extraction of the crap out of it....The important thing is that the last video clip clearly shows and proves that there is no planned or foreseen increase in tariffs!In the first video the expert clearly said that it is unrealistic, and the second video explains that it clearly will not happen. Moreover, it says that the experts will choose how to implement it and they will decide what will and what will not be stored and for how long, from 0 minutes to 6 months.And if you listen carefully to the end, you should pay attention to differences in how such laws are implemented in different countries. And they have been working there for a long time and by the way they are quite real infringements of rights!

The "Patriot Act" - USA.

It was passed after the terrorist attack of September 11th 2001. The law, among other things, expanded the FBI's eavesdropping and electronic surveillancerights , which was considered by many to be a violation of the fourth amendment of the constitution.

A phenomenon like Snowden is just concrete proof of that!

Why no one? I was walking around today just listening, there was an interesting interview by Solovyov with Eldar Murtazin about the technical side of the case. In 2 words, there is no capacity to build data centres all over the world now, to implement the plan by 2018, it will take at least 6 years. The prices will increase several times. At current prices, the plan is comparable to Russia's GDP.

I repeat my prediction - before a significant event, e.g. elections, the czar will reverse his decision, the situation will be used to his advantage, he is cunning. Variations are possible, of course. All in all it was a throw-in.

Alexandr Saprykin:
If the vanguards here are correct and the states disappear then the forkes will not be needed because the currency will be the same)))

I have a feeling that even in the event of an alien threat, everyone will continue to fight amongst themselves (

Anyway, don't worry so much, this world is just my dream. I will wake up in a few decades and everything will be gone ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have a feeling that even in the event of an alien threat, everyone will continue to fight amongst themselves (

Anyway, don't worry so much, this world is just my dream. I will wake up in a few decades and everything will disappear.)

I just want to wake up.)

I'm not worried.)

There will be no chewing, someone will be for the aliens and someone will be against them.) So it will be. That's my vanguard))