Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 37

Vladimir Suschenko:
Yeah, they didn't know then, and then, after several rewrites of history, everyone knows everything. It is very convenient to tell "what really happened" when a generation of eyewitnesses, contemporaries of the events, have died out.
And about the comparison between Hitler and Stalin, it's hardly your personal "IMHO" and not inspired by political technologists. So OHMY!
Yes there are not many eyewitnesses, but there is literature, memoirs, books. There are archival documents. History is not easy to hide. Besides, we are all its direct heirs.
All of our daily life comes from there.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

:)))) so .... This idea has already been discussed .

Some of the topics, Going for a second time, Normalek.

there's still popcorn.

The Santa Barbara thing hasn't happened yet))
Alexey Volchanskiy:
The aim of any uncontrolled government is to hold on to power, it is not interested in the development of the country. That is why there should be counterbalances in the state mechanism.
The purpose of any uncontrolled power on the global scale is to retain power, it is not interested in the development of all countries. That is why there should be counterbalances between states.
The aim of any uncontrolled power on a global scale is to hold onto power, it is not interested in the development of all countries. That is why there should be counterbalances between states.
To compete globally, there has to be local competition.
Andrey Davydov:
There are not many eyewitnesses, but there is literature, memoirs, books. There are archival documents. History is not easy to hide. Besides, we are all direct heirs of it.
How many archival documents have you read with your own eyes in the original? Memoirs, literature, books.... Would you be surprised to learn that the "life stance" and "objective judgment" of authors (not to mention professional prostitutes of the literary genre) tends to change depending on the amount of their fee and the wishes of their sponsors? There is no reason to hide history - most of the real history is never interested - carefully cultivated in the majority laziness to strain the brain on tasks not directly or indirectly related to the receipt of material goods and pleasures does not stimulate the work with primary sources. More often than not, the "public" enjoys the historical (pseudo-historical) textbook of the next "improved version" - a kind of "intellectual fast food".
Andrey Davydov:
In order to compete globally, there has to be local competition.

Local competition is the cultivation of society for decades, when the country is left alone and allowed to evolve within its own environment, then we can talk about it.

We have not had it for at least the last 100 years. There is no country that has not had so many external influences for these 100 years. America has had the conditions to create such an environment, at the cost of millions of lives in other countries, and by creating conflicts in their own countries by creating them outside of themselves. We had a different fate and I personally am not morally ready to be the first to take such paths, but once again we are left with no choice.

Vladimir Suschenko:
How many archival documents have you read with your own eyes in the original? Memoirs, literature, books.... Would it surprise you to learn that the "life stance" and "objective judgment" of authors (not to mention professional prostitutes of the literary genre) tends to change depending on the amount of their fee and the wishes of their sponsors? There is no reason to hide history - most of the real history is never interested - carefully cultivated in the majority laziness to strain the brain on tasks not directly or indirectly related to the receipt of material goods and pleasures does not stimulate the work with primary sources. More often than not, the "crowd" is satisfied with historical (pseudo-historical) textbooks in yet another "improved version" - a kind of "intellectual fast food".

I realise that there is no point in referring to direct relatives. But I have read books by those authors who I trust unconditionally, those same eyewitnesses.

I knew people who had at least an inkling of those times. And then I was born and lived not on the moon, but in the same Country with you, in the same system that came out of that one.

I am not judging not Stalinism, not life, not nature. I just want our lives to be better than they were. Perhaps yes, we need a master or tsar who will look after Us, the Country, as his property, as his own. But I would like to have the opportunity and freedom to take care of ourselves.

And then there is no more Stalin. And where is the guarantee that the new Tsar will be fair and impeccable? You cannot cheat nature. There are laws of being, and he who disregards them is doomed.

Andrey Davydov:

I realise that there is no point in referring to direct relatives. But I have read books by those authors who I trust unconditionally, those same eyewitnesses.

I knew people who had at least an inkling of those times. And then I was born and lived not on the moon, but in the same Country with you, in the same system that came out of that one.

I am not judging not Stalinism, not life, not nature. I just want our lives to be better than they were. Perhaps yes, we need a master or tsar who will look after Us, the Country, as his property, as his own. But it would be nice to be able and free to take care of ourselves.

And then Stalin is gone. And where is the guarantee that the new tsar will be fair and impeccable? You can't cheat nature. There are laws of existence, and he who disregards them is doomed.

Practice shows that one's doom can be exported for a while. So the prolonged doom of some does not mean its absence. And about the records of eyewitnesses of WWII, don't you think that it has become fashionable to bring to the surface only those who are needed, of course there were many opinions, but what makes you think that such opinions are the majority, because only those were brought to the top?

Another person's relatives, for example, with a different opinion, which he trusts just as much as you trust yours, so what.


Local competition is the cultivation of society for decades, when the country is left alone and allowed to evolve within its own environment, then we can talk about it.

We have not had it for at least the last 100 years. There is no country that has not had so many external influences for these 100 years. America has had the conditions to create such an environment, at the cost of millions of lives in other countries, and by creating conflicts in their own countries by creating them outside of themselves. Our destiny was different, and I personally am not morally ready to be the first to take such paths, but once again we are left with no choice.

Yes about America I agree. America originally built its own system. But it did not immediately become what it is. The people there always pushed their interests through. They came to what they have as a result of the struggle (the same trade unions). But God is a clear example of North and South Korea.

Two systems, two poles. And it's up to us to choose which way to go.