Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 36


The funny thing is that we have never had a liberal economy. But, everyone scolds liberals)

Read about liberalism, the gist of it is that you need freedom. What's wrong with it or you like to live like in North Korea. So go there, they will be happy to see you there.)

You cannot have freedom as part of leadership, and those who advocate "freedom" will not give up their leadership. When you have occupied a niche, naturally you need freedom of action, because the forces are not equal. And in a rivalry where the forces are not equal, to open up freedoms in international affairs is like giving up your guts.

Don't read about liberalism, just as you read about democracy. Have you seen this very democracy anywhere? Simply liberals are those who hide behind these very principles, interpreting them in episodes when it suits them. Like it wasn't, it was the 90s. What prevented them to implement their supposed liberalism then, it seems they invited Western mentors and full freedom of action, but no, there is no bright future for all, there was only unlimited access to resources and all that was needed.

And North Korea is probably because it is still a third world country.


they want to build their north Korea here


Have been reading and thinking about this for a long time. There are examples from the history of transition from democracy to totalitarianism. But, there are none where there was a totalitarian regime, then democracy and then totalitarianism again.

There is no such thing in nature and there never will be.

It's rubbish, not a programme. I uploaded photos of ex-girlfriends and couldn't find any. Only fat cows and for some reason one year old baby.) In short, it's just another hoax to make a big fuss and find a sponsor IMHO.
spring package

There can be no freedom within leadership, and those who advocate "freedom" will not give up leadership. When you are in a niche, of course you need freedom of action, because the forces are not equal. And in a rivalry where the forces are not equal, to open up freedoms in international affairs is like giving up your guts.

Don't read about liberalism, just as you read about democracy. Have you seen this very democracy anywhere? Simply liberals are those who hide behind these very principles, interpreting them in episodes when it suits them. Like it wasn't, it was the 90s. What was stopping them from implementing their supposed liberalism back then.

Well, I think Europe has a better democracy.

And no one is saying that one should not defend one's point of view. But don't start building a Juche inside the country because of it.


they want to build their north Korea here


In my opinion so far it is just business. Fighting the competition, striving for a monopoly. But any monopoly, both in business and in government, is a lack of development. Why work on development when you can just raise prices, there is no alternative. The consequence is degradation.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Score! ))))))))))
Andrey Davydov:
In my opinion, so far it is just business. Fighting against competitors, striving for a monopoly. But any monopoly, both in business and in government, is a lack of development. Why work on development when you can just raise prices, there is no alternative. The consequence is degradation.
The goal of any uncontrolled government is to hold onto power, and it is not interested in developing the country. That is why there should be counterbalances in the state mechanism.
Arkadii Zagorulko:

You guys, come on, so many lives were ruined. OK, not everyone knew about it then. But now, and still arguing about it....

IMHO. The difference between Hitler and Stalin is. that one of them is the winner.

Yeah, they didn't know then, and then, after a few rewrites of history, everyone started to know everything. It's very convenient to tell "what really happened" when a generation of eyewitnesses, contemporaries of the events, have died out.
And about the comparison between Hitler and Stalin, it's hardly your personal "IMHO" and not inspired by political technologists. So OHMY!
Alexey Volchanskiy:
The aim of any uncontrolled government is to hold on to power; it is not interested in the development of the country. That is why there should be counterbalances in the state mechanism.
Unfortunately in our country all the real counterbalances are either in prison or in the parallel world. And there is no point in discussing these balances, how bad or immoral they are, because it does not matter. All that matters is whether they are there or not.