Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 92

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Just hold it on some terms already. There's no prizes and there's only two of you anyway.

You'll like it. You tally the results, you start something bigger. Maybe people will look at it and catch on.

There won't be any passengers on your train. Just spectators with popcorn.

1. Andrei should provide the FF library and the running script.

2. We need to find a referee.

3) Determine the date of the competition.

That's it.

Реter Konow:

In general, our ideas about the organization coincide, but I just clarify. You may say, I am synchronizing my understanding of those issues with yours. No more than that.

I've come to the conclusion that a referee is really necessary, in any case.

However, the functions entrusted to it may be different, depending on the chosen method of organizing the event.

If we prepare algorithms by a certain date, and then generate a FF key, the algorithms should not be in the possession of any contestant, but only of a referee, to prevent the possibility of replacing the previous version of the algorithm with a new one.

If there is going to be a tester, it should be a neutral person who deserves the trust of the majority. In this case, he will create the FF key himself and report the results after running the algorithms.

That's how I see it.

Due to some changes in preparation of the participants and the general discussion it is necessary to define the actual procedure of the championship.

In a few days I will provide the final versions of the source code of the FF library, the FF key generator and the executing script. I need time to think over the nuances, so please be patient and wait a little longer.

Next, the actual championship will take place in the following sequence:

1. Publication of the source code of the FF library, the FF key generator and the executing script. This is to show how everything works, to ensure transparency and objectivity in comparing participants' algorithms, and to ensure that participants cannot adapt their algorithms to the FF problem.

2. Reconciliation. Discussion and answering questions about the FF.

3. Publication of algorithms by participants in this thread. I recommend to apply algorithm protection in the form of 7 days validity limit.

4. Immediately after p.3 referee in the person ofAnatoli Kazharski (I sent him a message with a request) will download the source codes of the FF and the key generator, generate a key, and insert it in the FF code, and then compile the library. After 3 days (to ensure that participants can no longer edit algorithms) from the date of publication of the algorithm by the last contestant, the referee will post the library in this thread.

5. After clause 4, everyone who wishes can download participants' algorithms and FF library, and conduct tests by himself. In the meantime I will also conduct tests and post the table with the results.

That is all.

Suppose, to begin with there will only be two participants, but maybe people will be interested and then it will be possible to repeat the steps of the championship again, but for a larger number of participants.


Interestingly, an individual's desire to test his or her strength, ability and sophistication has little or no resonance in most readers of this thread. Snide remarks, misplaced sarcasm, unintelligent and irrepressible grumbling, but by no means an equal desire to confront the one who challenges everyone.

A consequence of insecurity? Laziness? Jealousy of other people's talent and the worry of being accused of your own mediocrity?


Andrey Dik:

I'm fine with it.
Реter Konow:

It is interesting that the desire of an individual to test their strength, ability, development, almost no resonance in most readers of this thread. Snide, misplaced sarcasm, unintelligent and irrepressible grumbling, but by no means an equal desire to pit oneself against someone who challenges everyone.

A consequence of insecurity? Laziness? Jealousy of other people's talent and the worry of being accused of your own mediocrity?


What was that? Was that an attempt to make a fool out of you? So now you're running to prove something. Such useless posts and crooked organizing actions have already discouraged even the most loyal participants who were there in the beginning. And now just summed up that it was not worth it.

To be jealous of something that has not been demonstrated at all is the top of stupidity. Why this blatant stupidity in the post.

Реter Konow:
I am satisfied with everything.

Good. Because everything is transparent and honest, just as I promised.

The only thing you might get suspicious about is Anatoly. ))) But I am confident in the integrity of the man, he is well respected on this forum, so you can cast all doubts aside. And it is in my interest to fight fair.

Andrey Dik:

Good. Because everything is transparent and honest, just as I promised.

The only thing you might get suspicious about is Anatoly. ))) But I am confident in the integrity of the man, he is well respected on this forum, so you can cast all doubts aside. It is in my interest to fight fair.

Did anyone even suggest it to him? Was he asked? Or will you continue to speak in the third person in the presence of the man. Fucking organizers.
What was that? Was that an attempt to make a fool out of you? So now you're running to prove something. Such useless posts and crooked organizing actions have already discouraged even the most loyal participants who were at the beginning.
Do you have much experience in conducting championships and organizing large groups of people? - Too bad there was no valuable advice from you after my first post of this thread.
Did someone even suggest it to him? Was he asked? Or are you going to keep talking in the third person in front of the man. Fucking organisers.
Yes, there was an offer to propose a candidate for the role of judge/referee (look at the pages back). No candidacies were forthcoming from Peter.
Andrey Dik:
Yes, there was an offer to propose a candidate for the role of judge/referee (look back pages ago). No candidacies were forthcoming from Peter.

Are you going to discuss it with him through me? Or are you going to look for someone with less pride to directly ask the third party whether it will or not?

It really is a circus. And then there's Peter's post about someone.